Recommended reading late | Shenzhen adopts 6 emergency measures to relieve the popular rolling clinic "difficulty in consultation"

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.06.22

Since June, the positive rate of Shenzhen influenza virus testing has increased rapidly to more than 20%, mainly "type A 3", which is the main influenza virus of A (H3N2) subtype. In order to cope with the problem of consultation, on June 21, the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Commission adopted 6 emergency measures to alleviate the "difficulty of clinic" on the hot ruling clinic.

It is understood that the public clinic personnel are currently classified. Children who have no history of new crown epidemiography need to be sampled by new crown nucleic acid during the consultation. After the consultation is completed, no need to wait for the new crown nucleic acid test results to return to the home to observe. Activity. Patients with other categories of popular kidney consultations need to wait for the new crown nucleic acid test report to leave after the consultation is completed.

The Municipal Health and Health Commission stated that all hospitals can combine reality, add children's influenza retirement zones in ordinary pediatrics or internal medicine clinics, and patients with influenza -free diagnosis and treatment of new crown epidemics. As a result, you can leave.

The Municipal Health and Health Commission requires all hospitals to increase human beings such as nursing clinics, outpatient clinics, optimize the process of consultation, reasonably adjust the scheduling, improve the ability of frequent kidney kidney, emergency (emergency pediatrics), etc., and provide 24 -hour diagnosis and treatment services; When the warning value is exceeded, the relevant plan is started, and the experienced medical staff supported the hot ruling clinics within the entire hospital.

The Municipal Health and Health Commission requires all hospitals to further strengthen the prevention and control of the hospitals and outpatient hospitals; optimize the waiting environment, increase humanistic care, conduct pre -examination and section of patients with heavy condition to improve the level of priority; sampling the new crown nucleic acid sampling The pre -arrangement of the blood routine inspection session will reduce the time of the patient waiting for the test, reasonably divert, and avoid the gathering of staff; recently conduct ventilation and disinfection and environmental sampling monitoring of popular rib clinics and outpatient clinics every day.

The districts accelerate the promotion of conditional centers with conditions as soon as possible to add heat clinics as soon as possible, and maximize the diversion of fever patients without epidemiography.

The Shenzhen Health and Health Commission established a seasonal influenza children's cure expert group led by the Municipal Children's Hospital. Consultation invitations and treatment docking arrangements.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Zhou Qian

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