National Low Carbon Day | Heavy!The national low -carbon daily carbon Puhui cooperation network is officially established

Author:China Low Carbon Network Time:2022.06.22

On June 15th, at the "National Low -Carbon Day" home promotion event hosted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the People's Government of Shandong Province in Quancheng Jinan, the "Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network" was officially established.

The "Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network" was launched by the Ministry of Ecological Environment Propaganda Education Center, the China Environmental Protection Federation, the China Internet Development Foundation, the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the China Ecological Civilization Research and Promotion Association. Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network is a spontaneous and non -profit collaboration mechanism. In the future, the network will use the cooperation mechanism to carry out close cooperation in the research, publicity and education, pilot demonstrations, and standard formulation of carbon and benefit. Build a social atmosphere of sharing green life, stimulate the enthusiasm of green low -carbon life of the whole people, and help the development of green and low -carbon!

In the context of dual carbon targets, the importance of consumer carbon emission reduction is becoming more and more prominent. In the practice of mobilizing the whole people to participate in the achievement of dual carbon goals, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the formation of a new pattern of environmental governance system and green low -carbon transformation and development of "improving party committee leaders, government -led, corporate subjects, social organizations and public participation. And incorporate the construction of a long -term carbon and expensive mechanism into the top -level design, and use the "green and low -carbon national action" as one of the important measures of carbon peak carbon neutralization, and strive to maximize the potential to release the strengths of all parties in the society. From the consumer side to reduce the emission reduction of the production end, the two -way coordination of the consumer end and production end will finally support the realization of the national dual carbon strategic goals.

Tian Chengchuan, director of the Propaganda Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network, said that Carbon Puhui is an innovative mechanism for green and low -carbon development. By establishing public low -carbon behavior such as commercial incentives, policy encouragement, and certification reduction transactions Positive guidance mechanism, link consumption end emission reduction and production end emission reduction, the trickle of personal green operations is condensed into a torrent of low -carbon development, and a new window for individual participation in emission reduction operations is to guide the public to participate in green An important way of life will also become an important area for carbon financial innovation, and become an important starting point for implementing China's carbon peak carbon neutrality and target vision.

The first research results of the Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network, "Digital Tools Help the Public Green Travel Research Report" at the same time, and studies have shown that carbon and benefits characterized by digital technology can strongly promote the digitalization, intelligence, convenience, and convenience of green low -carbon life. Coordinated development.

The "China Implementation of the National Contribution and New Target and New Measures" released in October 2021 proposed that it is necessary to explore the innovation of the carbon and benefit mechanism, promote the pilot construction of the carbon -Puchai system, and encourage the entire society to reduce emission reduction operations. The establishment of the Carbon Puhui Cooperation Network can be described as right. This is not only a vivid interpretation and beneficial exploration of implementing the carbon -to -benefit mechanism, but also an important action to realize the consumer side of carbon reduction and carbon reduction through digitalization. It will inevitably promote the promotion and practice of my country's carbon -to -benefit mechanism. It will also significantly promote green The lifestyle is widely formed, helping to achieve the vision of carbon peaks, carbon neutrality and target.

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