"Rural Revitalization · Shaanxi Specialty" public welfare crowdfunding activity launched

Author:Charity Charity News Time:2022.06.22

Charity Public Welfare News (Hu Yunsen reporter Zhong Wei) On June 17, the launching ceremony of the "Rural Revitalization · Shaanxi Special Session" online crowdfunding public welfare activity was held in Xi'an by video conferences. Wu Qianjin, chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Charity Association, Gao Dahui, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Retirement Military Affairs, Zhang Kechun, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Zhang Yimin, deputy director of the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, and Zhang Zhimin, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce. The launching ceremony set up 116 branch venues in cities and counties in the province, and nearly a thousand people participated. The ceremony was chaired by Li Rongjie, executive vice president of the Provincial Charity Association.

It is understood that the special event was guided by the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Civilization Office, the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, and the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, sponsored by the Provincial Charity Association, and special support for the Tencent Public Welfare and Charity Foundation. The Provincial Charity Association and the Provincial Youth Development Foundation, the Provincial Aging Development Foundation, and the Provincial Women's and Child Development Foundation mobilize social forces to help Shaanxi rural revitalization and carry out online crowdfunding public welfare activities. Special event activities are scheduled to be held on July 27, 28, and 29. The charity public welfare institutions participating in the event independently planned the launch of the crowdfunding public welfare project that helps rural revitalization. At that time, the Tencent Public Welfare Charity Foundation and the Provincial Charity Association will give public donations to the public to donate the incompetence and proportion of funds. The Tencent Charity Foundation provides 50 million yuan of donation funds. The Provincial Charity Association and the Provincial Department of Retirement Military Affairs arranged 9 million yuan in crowdfunding of the provincial -level "Caring for Military" and "Village, Social (District) Epidemic Prevention and Control Capacity Construction".

Wu Qianjin pointed out that "rural rejuvenation · Shaanxi special session" is the first regional special network crowdfunding event led by Shaanxi. It reflects the key support of the Tencent Public Welfare Charity Foundation for the revitalization of Shaanxi rural village. It is also the specific action of implementing the strategic deployment of rural revitalization in Shaanxi Provincial Charity Organization to implement the strategic deployment of rural revitalization. It is a social practice that mobilize social forces to help rural revitalization. It is of great significance to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and help rural revitalization.

Wu Qianjin emphasized that the "Rural Revitalization · Shaanxi Specialty" event was jointly launched by charitable organizations at all levels, rural revitalization departments, retired military affairs departments, and the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Cities and counties and districts will carefully plan a group of projects that accurately help rural revitalization, stimulate public love, respond to rural needs, and effectively play a role in consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and helping rural revitalization. The city and county charity will take the initiative to strive for support for the local party committee and government, and fight for special events in accordance with the model of "government settled, charity singing".

Ge Yan, secretary general of the Tencent Charity Foundation, attended the meeting with video. She said: "In this year's Shaanxi special event, the Tencent Public Welfare Platform will give full play to the connection capabilities, continuously optimize digital public welfare products, mobilize the company's internal and external channels and business resources, the content of the special design and customized communication content of Shaanxi Province helps Shaanxi The publicity of the public welfare brand enhances the attention of the people. "

Zhang Kechun pointed out that the Provincial Charity Association, as a provincial -level hub -type social organization, actively participated in the prevention and control of epidemic, post -disaster reconstruction, and difficulties in assistance, and played an important role in the promotion of rural revitalization. He emphasized that civil affairs departments at all levels should take a platform and pave the way for social organizations to participate in rural revitalization. First, we must increase the promotion of the event and effectively form a joint force. The second is to fully implement the "Five Society linkage" to create a charity brand. Third, we must implement compliance in accordance with laws and regulations.

Zhang Yimin said that the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau and the Provincial Charity Association have jointly mobilized nearly 10,000 assistants in the province to participate in the event. Rural revitalization departments and assistance units at all levels, especially provincial leaders, must attach great importance to the requirements of "close cooperation, take the initiative, carefully guide, and implement the implementation".

The Great Great Association mentioned that in the three years since the establishment of the Provincial Department of Retired Military Affairs, with the strong support and help of the Provincial Charity Association, it was the first to set up a Shaanxi Provincial Retired Military Care Fund in the country. As of now, 8,735 soldiers have been helped in difficulties and issued Guan Aijin 54.47 million yuan. In this special event, the province's retired military affairs system must actively participate and work closely with charitable organizations to achieve good results.

Zhang Zhimin hopes that the majority of private entrepreneurs will actively participate in the crowdfunding public welfare activities of this Internet, asking the Federation of Industry and Commerce at all levels to incorporate this activity into the "Thousands of Enterprises Xingwan Village" and make new contributions to the comprehensive promotion of the rural rejuvenation of Shaanxi Province.

According to the reporter of the Charity Public Welfare News, before the launching ceremony, the Provincial Charity Association had organized special mobilization training for 10 districts and cities in the province, and conducted key mobilization in 12 districts, counties, and 20 towns and street offices. Essence

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