Lhasa Public Security Bureau continues to carry out publicity activities to combat rectification of pension fraud

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.06.22

(Reporter Fan Zezawa) In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly in accordance with the law, to protect the "old -age money" of the masses and ensure the effectiveness of the special operation of the Lhasa cities to crack down on the special action of pension fraud. Multi -channel increased publicity, and use practical actions to create a good atmosphere of preventing pension fraud.

"Grandpa, grandma, you must be alert. Now there are many scammers, so you must be fooled. Those so -called investment -care projects and elderly assistance actually want the money in your pockets. Xiao En and Xiaohui are all traps. If you run to work hard for a lifetime, you must keep the money bag to prevent fraud ... "Recently, the Lhasa Public Security Police went to the more than the elderly such as the streets and villages in the area of ​​the district. Online fraud leaflets introduce simple and practical anti -fraud knowledge to the elderly in unknown language.

Persuading the elderly to be alert to fraud in daily life, to be alert to the fraud trap, false investment, health investment, and low -cost tourism in daily life. 110 alarm phone calls or consult your children to effectively keep your "old -age money". At the same time, remind young people to strengthen their care and care for the elderly at home, and do not give the scammers a chance.

In the next step, Lhasa Public Security will continue to follow the work ideas such as publicity and education, cracking down on the law, and rectification specifications to enjoy happiness in the elderly in the jurisdiction and create a good social environment.

Source: China Tibet News Network -Tibet Business Daily Picture Source: Baidu Picture

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