Yichun Traffic Police dispose of a car leakage unilateral accident to eliminate hidden safety hazards in time

Author:Kyushu News Time:2022.06.22

Recently, the police of the Yiyang Squadron of the Yichun Traffic Police Team urgently disposed of a car's oil leakage incident due to unilateral accidents, which eliminated hidden safety hazards in a timely manner.

At 8:20 in the morning, the police of the Yiyang Squadron received an accident, saying that a car had a unilateral accident on the sidewalk on the Beihu Bay Community of Beihu Bay. 3 minutes later, the police arrived at the scene smoothly and conducted an investigation. The fuel tank ruptured, the gasoline leaked on the ground to form a beach coating, and a strong gasoline flavor was permeated in the air. Many vehicles were parked around the car, and many of the surrounding people were watching.

The car driver saw the traffic police asking for help due to the damage of the pavement, which caused the fuel tank to be deformation and damaged after being impacted. The gasoline was leaking. The road surface was difficult to slip. The situation was urgent. It may cause fire house. Wang Yixiong immediately reported to the command center that a cone barrel was placed before and after the accident vehicle, arranged for colleagues to guide passing vehicles to bypass, calling to contact the surrounding parking vehicles to quickly leave, and at the same time evacuated the crowd, leaking high -pressure water guns from the property to the road and the vehicle missed the vehicle and the vehicle. Getting up gasoline and helping the police contact the fire department.

After about twenty minutes, the oil leakage site was effectively controlled, the pollution of the road surface was basically processed, the hidden safety hazards were eliminated, the road was successfully recovered, and the car driver Huang expressed his gratitude to the traffic police on duty. (Cao Haibing Li Wei)

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