Beijing Global Resort has gradually resumed flow limit opening on June 25

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.06.22

On the afternoon of June 22, Beijing Global Resort released news that after communication with relevant government departments, and after fully conducting risk control and investigation, the Beijing Global Resort will strictly control the passenger flow and strengthen a series of epidemic prevention and control measures. On the basis, the operation is gradually restored in stages.

Among them, Universal Studios Hotel is planned to open to guests at noon on June 24th, Beijing Universal City Avenue opened at noon on the same day, and Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park is planned to be officially opened on June 25. The Norkin Holiday Hotel will subsequently at 7 Restore business on the 1st. In the early days of resumed operations, some operating venues or entertainment projects will be temporarily closed, and the Beijing Global Resort will resume and open in time according to the epidemic prevention and control situation and related requirements.

In the early days of resumed operations, the Beijing Global Resort will be opened in accordance with the requirements of relevant government departments, and the operating time is adjusted accordingly according to the current epidemic prevention and control. The specific arrangements are as follows:

Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park is open from 10:00 to 19:00. Most of the ride equipment in the park will be restored, and some entertainment experiences, performances, and restaurants will gradually recover in the later stage.

Beijing Global City Avenue opened on the first day of opening on June 24 from 12:00 to 21:00. Since then, the business hours will be resumed from 8:00 to 21:00, and it will be extended in a timely manner on the weekend. Some restaurants are temporarily open in the early days of restoration.

The Universal Studios Hotel and Norkin Holiday Hotel will be resumed at 12:00 on June 24th and July 1st, respectively, and most of the catering services will resume operations.

With the changes in the epidemic conditions and the update of related prevention and control policies, the opening time, some products and experiences of each region may be adjusted according to the actual operation. Visitors can inquire about the latest operating information and related developments in Beijing Global Resort's official APP, Ali Small Program and WeChat Mini Program.

Beijing Global Resort said that the health and safety of tourists and team members are always the first to work. After the resumption of operation, the Beijing Global Resort will continue to strengthen and strictly implement a series of epidemic prevention and control measures in accordance with the guidance of relevant government departments.

All members of the Beijing Global Resort and third -party employees will continue to perform normalized nucleic acid detection, daily temperature monitoring and health screening. At present, all staff members meet the requirements of the return on their jobs. At the same time, the Beijing Global Resort will maintain regular environmental sampling and continue to implement the daily clean and disinfection work of the park to provide tourists with convenient disinfection and cleaning facilities.

In order to ensure the health and safety of tourists, Beijing Global Resort prompts tourists to follow the following epidemic prevention and control requirements:

All tourists enter the Global Resort of Beijing must hold negative certificates of effective nucleic acid detection within 72 hours, verify Beijing Health treasure and valid identity documents for fast body temperature testing;

Before traveling, tourists must make an appointment for the park through the official app, Ali Small Program and WeChat Mini Program before traveling, and show the valid appointment code when entering the theme park;

When entering some entertainment, catering and shopping venues, please follow the guidelines of the members of the team, scan the code before entering the field, and disinfection before entering the venue;

During the tour, we will abide by the park's epidemic prevention requirements. Except for dining, all tourists are requested to wear a mask correctly throughout the process. At the same time, you should also maintain a safe social distance during the tour, queuing or dining, and wash your hands and disinfection frequently, do personal protection, and cooperate with the guidance of team members.

Visitors are requested to refer to the health and safety criteria on the official website of the Beijing Global Resort, the official APP, the Ali Small Program and WeChat Mini Program to learn more information.

Starting at 00:00 on June 23, the theme park tickets and hotel products will restore pre -sale on the basis of daily current limit. Visitors can buy and purchase and purchase and buy and. Booking. The validity period of the Beijing Universal Studios Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Cinema will be automatically postponed. After resumption of operation, relevant tourists can view the corresponding policy update at the original ticket channel. Regarding the release time and related information of the new season roaming card products, the Beijing Global Resort will later release the official Weibo and WeChat public account on the Beijing Global Resort.

"In a special period, the expectations, understanding and support given by everyone are the motivation to restore the opening of the Beijing Global Resort. We are going all out to look forward to reuniting with everyone the world and restarting happiness!" Beijing Global Resort said Essence

(Beijing Daily)

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Editor in charge: Li Yuefan