Innovative formats extend the industry in Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County, the diversified planting of Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County

Author:Popular Network · Dongying Time:2022.06.22 · Poster reporter Sun Shujuan League Correspondent Wang Huijie Wang Huijie Dongying reported

In recent years, Guangrao County has actively developed green agriculture, ecological agriculture, and high -efficiency agriculture. With the key to industrial revitalization, it has promoted comprehensive rural revitalization. Nanta Village, Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County, promoted the development of agricultural industrialization with the business model of "Party Branch+Cooperative+Farmers", activated the development of collective economy, and drove all villagers to become rich together.

New way for agricultural development of land custody model

Before 2020, Nanta Village was the original planting method of one household and "single fighting". In response to this situation, in 2020, Nanta Village decided to gather the surrounding farmers, led by the village committees to carry out the land, and built more than 50 greenhouses.

Hou Yongan, the head of the Liangsha Family Farm in Daizhuang Town, Guangrao County, told reporters that there are 7 greenhouses, more than 40 acres of watermelon, and more than 1,000 acres of fruit trees in this family farm. "The government's support is very strong. A greenhouse covers an area of ​​about 5 acres. The one -year rent is only 25,000, which saves many of our early investment." Hou Yongan said that he has not planted a greenhouse in the early stage, or he wants to plant something. Farmers of crops are good. After the strawberry stubble, Hou Yongan's seven greenhouses, four of which were planted with sticky corn, and the remaining 3 greenhouses were planted.

In addition to planting crops in the greenhouse area, Hou Yongan also planted soybeans, sweet potatoes, etc. at the open space connected by the greenhouse to make fermented farmhouse fertilizer. Hou Yongan proudly told the reporter: "Our greenhouses, including the orchards, are all farmhouse fertilizer and fermented fertilizer. It is almost not pesticide. The quality can be guaranteed. Nearby retail investors will also pick up directly. You can rest assured. "In terms of greenhouse planting technology, it is also led by the government. Experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and regularly carry out knowledge lectures on agricultural and sideline products, which really supports the planting of greenhouses.

Expand the diversified planting of the orchard new business format to promote income increase

Torter on the road of the Liangsha family farm in Daizhuang Town, Guangrao County, there are scenery at the eyes. Here, the sticky corn is full, and the straw is tall and hard. There are small watermelons over there, and green greenhouses are fragrant.

Under the leadership of Hou Yongan, the reporter came to the open -air watermelon planting area. Looking at it, a green green makes people feel refreshed. Recently, there were already small watermelons on the vine, and the vines and a melon were loved. According to Hou Yongan, in order to ensure the quality, the extra small fruits on the vine will be removed, and the pear trees are coupled in the watermelon land for reinstatement. In addition, Nanta Village has high land and mineral content, high potassium -containing elements, has a lot of fruit and vegetables, high sweetness, and good geographical location. Foreign merchants wholesale to wholesale is also particularly convenient.

Nowadays, the orchard has been in the orchard that there are 4 varieties in the orchard only: Venus Gold Apple, Fuji, Japan, Shandong Yanfu 8, Italian black apple. On this basis, many varieties of pears are also planted. Now the fruit trees have already been fruits, and they will be harvested next year.

The industry is rural, and the industry is prosperous. For a long time, Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County has been based on the development of the agricultural industry, and has continuously provided new development opportunities for farmers such as Hou Yongan, combining the development of characteristic forest and fruit industries with rural revitalization, realizing farmers to become rich and income, and to rejuvenate in the villages of Daozhuang Town Develop a new "green kinetic energy".

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