The full chain of the Fuhai County Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Full Chain to destroy an electric fraud gang

Author:Altay Daily Time:2022.06.22

Recently, the Fuhai County Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Altay District has cracked a telecommunications network fraud case through accurate research and judgment and rapid attack.

During the handling of the case, the Fuhai County Public Security Bureau established three case handling teams to select the backbone forces, which lasted more than 50 days. It moved to Zhongshan City, Guangdong, Hangzhou, Zhejiang and other places to start investigations.

On June 8th, with the full cooperation of the Zhongshan Public Security Bureau of Guangdong, the task force launched a centralized collection of network collection, and the case achieved major results.6 vehicles and 1 real estate, seized more than 1.6 million yuan in stolen money, more than 100 bank cards involved in the case, and 14 mobile phones involved.

On June 17, members of the task force escorted 16 criminal suspects and returned.

Altay Daily All -Media Reporter Gulina Aldaq Beshan

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