Xiangfuzhou Bridge Dongzhang Main Bridge turned into water operation

Author:Changsha Evening News on Chang Time:2022.06.22

Changsha Evening News, Changsha, June 22 (All Media Reporter Chen Huanming Correspondent Shi Weilin Chen Wanshan) Recently, with the completion of the last car concrete pumping, the second pier of the pier 22 of the main bridge of Xiangfuzhou Bridge is completed. The main pier of the main bridge of the bridge to complete the key node of the water out of the water. At this point, all the main pier body of the main bridge of the bridge Dongzheng exceeds the normal water level of 3 to 6 meters, exceeding the flood peak line 1 to 4 meters, and successfully transferred to the water operation. The subsequent construction has basically got rid of the influence of the flood season and completed the end of the bridge at the end of 2023. Laying a solid foundation for traffic.

Since the beginning of 2021, the construction of the Xiangfuzhou Bridge project has faced a test of heavy tests. According to the person in charge of the project of Hunan Road and Bridge Group, the geological conditions of the main pile foundation of the main pier pier of the bridge are complex. The sandy pebble coverage layer is only 1 to 2 meters. The rock formation is granite geology. The challenge is great. At the same time, the construction area of ​​the bridge is located in the main river section of the Xiangjiang River. It has very strict requirements on safety, quality, environmental protection and other work. In addition, the Xiangjiang River flood season is long. It brings great challenges to project safety management and will also affect the construction progress of the entire project.

In order to achieve the rapid construction of the project and ensure the construction of the bridge safely and efficiently, in August 2021, the Hunan Road and Bridge Group Xiangfuzhou Bridge Project Department launched a labor competition, which clearly proposed the goal of "ensuring that the main pier is out of the water before June 30, 2022" Essence The project team focuses on the deployment of labor competitions to promote the construction of the bridge. "In response to complex geological conditions, we have introduced it to the new, and adopt a new type of rotary diamond and the impact air -cycling rhinestone to complement each other to solve the problem of basic project construction such as pile foundation and coffee grooves." Introduction, the project adopts a large -scale artillery machine+water mill drill combination to excavate the platform to solve the construction problem of Chengtai; timely transportation of drilling residue during the construction process, solving the problem of mud circulation pollution, and ensuring that the Xiangjiang River has no pollution. "Project concrete concrete. The amount of pouring is large, and only a single platform is 1728 cubic meters, and the concrete amount required for 3 main pier water is 2100 cubic meters. "

In order to ensure the safety of construction, the project's detailed responsibilities to people, strictly abide by the 15 measures for safety production, issue safety protective equipment, take protective measures, implement the class before the class, do a good job of flood prevention, rain prevention, rain prevention, rain prevention, rain prevention, rain prevention, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall Prevention work, set up the project "Workers' Station" to do a good job of protecting and caring for operators. At the same time, normalized epidemic prevention measures are formulated, the management of the project department is strictly regulated, daily disinfection operations, reserve of epidemic prevention materials, and regular nucleic acid testing, etc. to overcome the impact of the epidemic.

At the same time, the project department has given full play to the role of party members' assault teams and youth assault teams. Since the launch of the labor competition, after the night of the night, in a dry season, the trestle and pile foundation of the bridge water in the bridge water and the platform, the pile foundation, the construction of the pile foundation, the construction of the pile foundation, and the pile foundation, and the pile foundation, and Six key processes, including coffee grooves, coffin construction, Chengtai construction, pier water out of water. On May 22, the project took the lead in completing the construction of all main bridges in Chengtai; on June 8th, the main pier of the main pier was out of the water; on June 16, the main pier of the main pier was out of the water; The main pier is out of the water, and the work competition goals were completed 9 days in advance, and the water construction target was successfully achieved before the main flood season of the pier.

The Xianglangzhou Bridge is currently the largest span of the Dugta Calamity Bridge in Xiangjiang River. It is the first bridge designed according to the standard of the Class I channel. The main bridge is 3.24 kilometers long. The project is the strategic positioning and mission task of the "three highs and four new" in Wangcheng District, build a new development pattern, and allows Wangcheng to move towards the "Xiangjiang Times" and promote the major infrastructure of the coordinated development of the "One River". After the bridge was completed, the development of Wangcheng District was accelerated into the development of Changsha's main urban area to form a urban development pattern of coordinating and linked to coordinate and coordinated by the two sides of the river.

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