Discovery Chengdu New Commercial | High -quality community space 15 minutes will be newly explored by the people's life circle

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.22

Cover reporter Li Xuedan

According to the development and governance plan of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" urban and rural community in Chengdu, Chengdu will strive to promote citizens' services and consumer scenes in the future, focusing on the diversified demand of "full -age and full -time", and encourage new models such as customization, experience, intelligence, fashion consumption and other new models and new models. The development of the format.

The community space, as a space scene of deep adhesion of social value, life value and aesthetic value, how to shift from cultural carrying to service carrying, to business loading, it is particularly important to truly exert spatial power and empower the construction of a happy and beautiful park community. The creation of the one -minute clock is inseparable from the organic chimeric of basic business functions and community public service functions. How to achieve the balance between social welfare and sustainable development is a realistic issue in front of many communities.

Building the characteristic IP of the community is a beautiful life

When waiting for the buffet laundry, you can go to the coffee space next door to drink a cup of coffee by the way; you do n’t have time to apply for a certificate at work, you do n’t have to worry, you can handle it easily on the self -service machine after get off work; Room, then enjoy the service concept of massage, free clinic ... Break through the full -time service concept of time limit, pay attention to the coverage of the old -age people, and realize the full function compound superposition of one -stop collection -this is the service " Mange "R29 community living space.

On June 21, the R29 community living space jointly created by Chengdu Xingdong Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Jinjiang District Chenglong Road Sub -district Office, a subordinate of Human Resources Real Estate Group, appeared. Here the innovation sets up nine major service spaces such as community coffee space, community laundry room, community barber room, community fitness space, community self -study room, community activity room, community art district, community government affairs center, etc., involving residents' lives, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment , Government Services and other full -dimensional services, covering the residential community life in all aspects.

"The door of the house is the government service center, which is too convenient!" Mr. Wen, who lives in Huayun Tianfu, handles social security business in the R29 community living space. With the patience of the staff, all procedures have been completed in less than 15 minutes. As the first community space project that integrates community public service functions into the commercial complex, the R29 community living space creatively sets up government service functions in the commercial body, builds a government service space, and integrates the private license service center into the commercial industry, open up The last mile of "residents and government affairs". In addition to the government service functions, in the R29 community living space, the head resources of the industry are also selected, and it will be grafted into the community, allowing IP -level services to enter the community, creating multi -dimensional scenarios, and allowing the masses to enjoy a good quality life around them.

It is worth mentioning that the R29 community living space and the brand settlement have also given community residents a more cost -effective life to a certain extent. The pricing of 24 -hour self -service fitness, all -weather self -study experience and other services are public welfare pricing. The price is low in price but the service is high quality. This is only to enjoy the life of the neighbors around the community and feel the warmth of the community. Create a unique community -based activity IP, bring the community space for the community residents, the community space of "zero distance", 15 minutes of consumption circle, and cultivate a new habit of consumption in the surrounding customer group community.

The creative development of the "Park+" model creates a beautiful space for "out of the circle"

The urban public space mainly in parks and streets is the most direct and most important place in social life. As a national public space, how can you use it in public space for nationality? With the advancement of urbanization, the concept of "functional integration" has received unprecedented attention, and the layout development model of "park+" has also been widely used and practiced.

Renyuanye, located in Dayuan Central Park, has achieved good network popularity as soon as it opens. More than 20 shops formed the multi -format of Regular, including local high -quality brands such as Lanlizi and Fields, and well -known vertical projects such as Element and Concepts; and artistic products such as Linforni and Wastel Park Sales and pioneer clothing buyer shop. In addition to a special specialty store for this high -quality brand, there are three sinking outdoor gardens and a public art space in the Regular space, which constitutes the mutual links between different shops. The lower floor of the source park is complementary to the unique natural environment of the park, and the harmony between cities and nature is presented between subtle.

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