In May, the "Silver Tax Interaction" of the region's "Silver Tax Interaction" loan 9.07 billion yuan benefited 92,000 small and micro enterprises Time:2022.06.22

Tianshan News (Reporter Mi Ri Guli Nasr report) From January to May, the entire region has promoted a total of 9.07 billion yuan in credit loans, a year -on -year increase of 56%, and accurately solved 92,000 small and micro enterprises to solve precise solutions Financing problems and reducing funding pressure.

Since the beginning of this year, the Autonomous Region Taxation Bureau and the joint banking supervision department have continuously improved the inclusiveness of "silver tax interaction" with 28 cooperative banks. Compared with other credit products, the "Silver Tax Interaction" adopts an unsecured and unparalleled way to accurately connect the demand for small and micro enterprise loans, small amounts, and fast -moving.

Recently, Xinjiang New Century Flour Co., Ltd. submitted a "silver tax interaction" loan application through the online platform of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Urumqi Branch. Thanks to the company's good tax credit, the entire process of loan applications, evaluations, credit, and loan all realizes the "online one -stop" process. In less than 3 days, the loan of 2 million yuan has successfully reached the company's account.

"Affected by the epidemic, the company's recent sales decline, the pressure on the flow of flow funds has increased, and the loan demand is very strong." Li Jianmin, the legal representative of the company, said that the "silver tax interaction" turned the tax credit into a pure credit loan for real gold and silver Not only did the enterprise maintain normal production and operation, but also avoided the loss of company employees.

According to statistics, since the launch of the "Silver Tax Interaction" cooperation in April 2015, the Taxation Bureau of the Autonomous Region has signed cooperation agreements with 28 banks and established data lines. %Of small and micro enterprises. In the past 7 years, the taxation department in the region has cumulatively promoted a "silver tax interaction" loan of 202,500, with a total amount of 39.565 billion yuan.

At the same time, in order to turn the tax credit faster and better into the support of real gold and silver, the tax department actively guides all cooperative banks, focusing on the characteristics of the industrial structure of Xinjiang small and micro enterprises, strengthening the differentiated and coordinated of financing support, and the launch of innovation launch More than 40 exclusive credit products such as "cloud tax loan" and "tax E loan", promote "non -contact" services such as the APP office and online office, and create more financial products for small and micro enterprises, more subdivided credit quotas for small and micro enterprises. , More diversified financing channels.

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