Wang Yi met with Zhang Xiacheng, Ambassador to China, and Luo Guodong, the new Ambassador to China in China

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.23

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 22, June 22, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Zhang Xiacheng, a South Korean Ambassador to China, who was about to leave, and Luo Guodong, the new Ambassador to China.

When meeting Zhang Xiacheng, Wang Yi thanked Zhang Xiacheng to make important contributions to deepening China -South Korean relations during his tenure. Wang Yi said that China will continue to place South Korea in an important position of diplomacy around China. It is hoped that the new Korean government can continue to adhere to the friendly policy of China. The two parties should take the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations to promote the new level of China -Korea strategic partnerships.

Zhang Xiacheng said that it is believed that China will maintain a strong development momentum, and Korean and China friendly and pragmatic cooperation will also be further deepened.

When meeting with the new Indian ambassador to China, Luo Guodong, Wang Yi said that the two sides should do each other, promote the keeping momentum of Sino -Indian relations, and return to the stable and healthy development track as soon as possible. The first is to adhere to the important strategic consensus of the leaders of the two countries; the second is to adhere to the proper position of bilateral relations in bilateral relations, and seek resolution through dialogue and negotiation; the third is to adhere to the traditional advantages of continuously injecting positive energy for the relationship between the two countries and give full play to humanistic exchanges. , Continuously expand mutually beneficial cooperation; fourth, adhere to the expansion of multilateral cooperation, jointly cope with the complex world, and create a better future for human beings.

Luo Guodong said that India is willing to strengthen communication with China, strengthen communication, properly different, and enhance mutual trust, and promote the better development of bilateral cooperation.

【Edit: Tian Boqun】

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