Dongying Port Economic Development Zone: Delivery high -quality development "Endurance Songs" Time:2022.06.23

In June, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, from the construction site of the project to the production line, from the dock to the industrial Internet platform, the workers who are active on the front line of industrial production are accelerating the running at a new speed. High -quality development "Entrusted Movement".

Dongying Port Shunxin Port Wharf

Statistics show that the 14 provinces, 36 cities, and 171 district key projects of Dongying Port Economic Development Zone have completed 61%, 42%, and 47%of the annual investment plan. From January to April, the investment in fixed assets increased by 18.2%year -on -year, which was 1.5 percentage points higher than the city's average level, ranking first in the city. In the first quarter, the total number of new contract projects increased by 335.86%year -on -year, injecting a strong driving force into the high -quality development of the economy and the city.

Major projects have continued and blossomed, providing strong support for consolidating the foundation of development, stabilizing the economic market, and stubborn growth. Since the beginning of this year, the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone has resolutely implemented the clear requirements of the Party Central Committee's "epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe", coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic, and lead the region's economic and social development. Middle.

"Goose" takes off to promote the development of industrial clusters

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission publicized the "top ten" industry "goose formation" clusters that were planned to be cultivated in 2022. Essence On the basis of the "Top Ten" industries of the "Top Ten" industries in the province of Elene Grandmark in 2021, the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone became the first high -end chemical and new "geese formation" industrial dual cluster development zone in the province.

Dongyinggang liquid chemical pier

——In the field of functional polymer materials, the market share of Norr's high water absorption resin, Guansen polymer material, Daruk rubber cavity and other products are leading the lead in the country. The internationally pricing power has been formed, and the Tate -Special epoxy resin monopolizes about 30%of the world's production capacity.

——In the field of advanced carbon materials, the high -quality needle -shaped coking material produced by Hyacarin's negative carbon material project with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan will fill the domestic gap. The Carbon Materials Research Center, with the National Heavy Oil Laboratory of Petroleum (Beijing), has been settled in the development zone at the high -performance carbon fiber project that is being tried. The product will break the monopoly of Japanese and American technology and meet the national aerospace materials urgently.

In the future, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone will continue to implement the "chain -long system" working mechanism, continue to optimize the industrial layout, continue to do tracking services and guidance, improve the level of supporting cooperation in the industrial chain, play the role of leading corporate enterprises, promote new chemical materials materials The industrial centralized layout and the extension chain supplement chain, forming a new advantage of provincial and municipal regional economic and innovative development, and provided strong support for creating the core area of ​​the northern high -end petrochemical industry base.

Dongying Yatong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Factory District

Leading party building, turn on the "red engine"

At the construction site of the new material industry park in Dongyinggang Economic Development Zone, the vehicles were arranged in turn to wait for the market. A group of workers wearing helmets were shuttled at the project site for installation and welding operations. Shine shine ...

Dongying Weilian Chemical Edition of 2.5 million tons of PTA project

This is just a microcosm of the grass -roots party building of Dongying Port Economic Development Zone. Today, the "Gathering Leading" project of the grass -roots party building of Dongying Port Economic Development Zone is in full swing in various fields. Constantly out of motivation and passion.

High -quality party building led high -quality development. From January to April, the industrial added value of the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone increased by 18.5%year -on -year, which was 10 percentage points higher than the city's average level. In April, key enterprises such as Tianhong Chemistry, United Petrochemical, and Weilian Chemistry conducted a rotation inspection of installations. In April, the industrial output value of more than 14.48 billion yuan was achieved in April, and the month -on -month increase of 29.9%in April.

Dongying Weilian Chemical Edition produced 2 million tons of PX projects

At present, the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone in -depth analysis of the actual development and development of aromatic hydrocarbons, medicine, community, and projects, the "framework" of party building in the industrial chain of the horizontal chain, in -depth implementation of "one chain, one characteristic, one chain and one model", and first build aromatic hydrocarbon production The industrial chain party organization system of chain, pharmaceutical industry and research chain, community dual -innovation chain, and engineering construction chain, which truly builds a party building work system for party building leadership, industrial links, and mutual win -win. Can develop high -quality.

Benefiting from enterprises to help enterprises and create a first -class business environment

"It's too fast! After submitting the application, the whole process is completed, and all procedures have been completed in less than 2 hours." Recently, Dongyinggang Economic Development Zone opened a "one window" platform through Shandong Government Service Network Enterprise Enterprise Enterprises, and accepted the system " After the implementation of the Regulations on the Registration and Management of the People's Republic of China, the first business license was implemented. Dongying Yida Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. commissioned Li Yanyan to obtain the business license and 4 free seals.

The business environment is a soil for the survival and development of enterprises. Creating a good business environment is an important foundation for building a modern economic system and promoting high -quality development. Reform, in -depth optimization of the "comprehensive window+special window+service window" model, and further improve the running rate of matters and the operation rate of the Internet.

The taxation of Dongying Port District is an important part of the business environment and is inseparable from the daily operations and development of the majority of enterprises. Dongying Port Economic Development Zone uses "real gold and silver" to motivate enterprises to develop and actively help industrial enterprises.

"The value -added tax deduction policy brings our company's funds' living water ', which makes the burden on our shoulders instantly" light'! The account is praised by the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone. "Said Li Henghuan, deputy general manager of Dongyinggang Co., Ltd., a wholly -owned subsidiary of China Sea Oil, said.

Since 2022, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance have successively introduced relevant policies such as “Further increase tax refund at the end of the VAT period”, and the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone will push the latest policies to the enterprise as soon as possible to ensure that the tax reduction dividends will be implemented. , Accurately implement the policy to help enterprises' rescue, and make every effort to promote policy measures such as tax cuts and fees, financial benefits, and other policies.

"Cloud" takes the talents and injects the development of surging

Recently, a unique recruitment was launched in Dongying Port Economic Development Zone. This recruitment uses "cloud" as the media, carefully selected 8 backbone enterprises in the area through cloud publicity, cloud live broadcast, cloud agency, cloud data and other forms. At the same time, more than 100 companies in the organization are published online recruitment information, involving petrochemicals, fine chemicals, medicine, and heat. The event faces more than 30 colleges and universities inside and outside the province, and sends publicity text messages to 14,000 Dongying students.

"Through the new recruitment mode of live broadcast, break the connection barriers of regular online recruitment information, and put the screening reliable positions on the 'cloud', so that job seekers are as convenient as the work on the palm of the palm. You can understand the situation and employment needs of the company, and it can also improve the efficiency of job search and broaden the road of employment. "Said Sun Haipeng, director of the Comprehensive Service Bureau of Dongying Port Economic Development Zone. According to reports, as of the end of the event, the cumulative number of viewers in the live broadcast of more than 15,000 people had reached more than 1,000 employment intentions.

In the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, it is not only "cloud" to set up employment channels for college graduates, but also good policies such as talent employment subsidies to retain talents.

"The current talent policy is increasingly in line with our actual situation, and the application process is very simple. Especially when the current price is high, these subsidies have solved our urgency. Thank you very much. ! "Li Yanqiu of Huazhi Human Resources Co., Ltd. said happily.

It is understood that the subsidies issued this time include the subsidies for newly hired college talents, newly hired college students' living subsidies, graduate living subsidies, graduate housing subsidies and entrepreneurial subsidies. Subsidies involve Datang power generation, Weilian Chemistry, United Petrochemical, Haikeri More than 80 enterprises such as Lin benefited 652 small and micro enterprises, newly hired college students, and graduate students in the district, and the total amount of funds reached 4.56 million yuan. As of now, all subsidies have been successfully issued at one time, accelerating the construction of talent team building and enterprise development in the region.

In the future, the Dongying Port Economic Development Zone will continue to maintain a stable recovery and stable trend, the production of industrial enterprises, the promotion of key project construction, continuously optimize the business environment, increase investment promotion, project funds to strive for efforts, strengthen economic operation Monitoring and scheduling, accurately dispatch key industries, key areas, and key enterprises, further conduct pressure, stimulate motivation, fight for the second quarter, and achieve "double half".

(Text/Reporter Ren Qiangtu/Correspondent Chen Shizhao)

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