They set up in Qianhai Meng Workshop in Shenzhen

Author:Chinese Women's Network Time:2022.06.23

Li Yi participated in the roadshow.

Fang Lihua is at work.

Zheng Siyi served as a series of activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong -Hong Kong -Man Hong Kong Enterprise Enterprise Monthly Cultural Innovation Salon.

Song Weibang was showing her work.

In 2019, Shenzhen Qianhaimeng Workshop took the lead in striving for the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Development Strategy -National Entrepreneurship Innovation Base", which was established by the National Women's Federation, covers an area of ​​about 58,000 square meters. The team settled in and introduced accelerators and various public technology supporting facilities. Focus on supporting four major fields: intelligent hardware, AI and chip design, mobile Internet, and cultural and creative.

At present, Shenzhen Qianhai Fields provides support for women's entrepreneurial teams in terms of policy formulation, intellectual support, and resource docking. It provides exclusive communication, project roadshow, product release, financing docking activity positions for women's science and technology projects, and set up "public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, public welfare, Low -cost, full element, open "female entrepreneurial service platform. A total of 41 women's entrepreneurial teams have been incubated at the base, of which 20 women's entrepreneurial teams in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have been incubated. The relevant person in charge of the Shenzhen Women's Federation stated that with the pilot of Shenzhen Qianhai Fields as a pilot, it actively explores a new method of unity and unity to lead the majority of women to participate in the national economic and social development strategy.

□ Chinese Women's Daily All -Media Journalist Lin Zhiwen

□ Zhu Su Ouyang Yongyan

"I am now engaged in the role of helping Hong Kong youths in the Greater Bay Area and investment and financing. I can often feel the subtle care of our motherland to our Hong Kong youth."

"I hope all our women are born to beauty in this beautiful era."

"Hong Kong is about to enter the new development process. I hope that in the future, we can better integrate their respective advantage resources, advantages, and advantageous ideas to better play the collaborative effect of the Greater Bay Area."

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland in Hong Kong, the Chinese Women's Daily reporters interviewed the young Hong Kong female young women who started their businesses in Qianhai Meng Workshop in Shenzhen. They listened to them to tell the story of the pursuit of entrepreneurial dreams, born to the beauty, and sail.

"I can often feel the minor care of our country's Hong Kong youth"

"Twenty -five years ago, it was a period when I was in Hong Kong. When I was young, I deeply remembered that the five -star red flag rose at the return ceremony. Hong Kong integration has worked hard to contribute to deep seeds. "On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, the" post -80s "Hong Kong youth Zheng Siyi talked about a little excitement about returning.

Zheng Siyi now starts a business in Qianhai, Shenzhen, is a cultural and creative investor, and helps Hong Kong companies developing like her to develop in the Greater Bay Area to develop quickly in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. There are many titles: the founder of Bayswork Accelerator, the co -founder of the Greater Bay Area Qingchuang Center, and also the vice president of Qianhai Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, member of the Shenzhen Committee of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong Province, vice chairman of the Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association Essence

The Bayswork Accelerator project is a more distinctive project in her many work. It mainly serves the growth team in the field of construction technology, digital fashion and digital content creation. It provides enterprises with high -quality office space service platforms through space operations. , High -tech incubation, resource sharing, innovative investment financing and other professional services to provide enterprises with one -on -one accurate solutions to help enterprises quickly develop in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

Zheng Siyi also invested in about 20 start -up companies with deep -Hong Kong backgrounds, mainly concentrated in the new TMT consumption field, and the "Z Generation" young people's favorite e -sports, tide play, Yuan universe, NFT, new media and other directions Essence

"I am now engaged in the role of helping Hong Kong and Youth in the Greater Bay Area and investing in financing. I can often feel the subtle care of our motherland to our Hong Kong youth. Hong Kong is no longer a bird with no feet. The world, the "one country, two systems' '' Hong Kong people's governance of Hong Kong ''." In her opinion, the future of Hong Kong is full of sunshine. On the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Hong Kong will use many unique advantages in the "Belt and Road" Be a good "super contact" during construction. "Taking the cultural and creative sector I are good at, the Imperial Palace Cultural Museum, which is about to open the museum in the Hong Kong West Kowloon Cultural Area, plus the original Hong Kong Art Museum and M+Museum, will be important for Chinese culture to go to the sea, telling Chinese stories importantly The mission, some of our Hong Kong artists are also fortunate to be combined with Chinese culture and non -genetic inheritance to participate in the heavy responsibility of the national tide '"out of the sea". Thanks to the unprecedented opportunities of our Hong Kong people, I also hope that Hong Kong will play their role well. Flowing Chinese culture to all parts of the world. "

As the head of the National Entrepreneurship Innovation Base of Qianhai Shenzhen and Hong Kong Dream Workshop, Zheng Siyi said that the base provides a higher level and wider platform for women at Qianhai Shenzhen -Hong Kong Dream Workshop. Creative markets and other activities, I hope to drive more women to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship, and help the majority of female entrepreneurs seize the important historical opportunities of the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

"I hope all our women are born into beauty in this beautiful era, and a good life."

Fang Lihua, CEO and Rubyfang Fashion Brand of Hong Kong Windsor Group Co., Ltd., was originally a legal person. He graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the School of Law School of Georgetown University in the United States. Due to many business models during the work process, Fang Lihua gradually became interested in business. Based on the sincerity and talent of design, and his unique insights on fashion, Fang Lihua began to set foot in the fashion industry. In 2019, Fang Lihua came to Shenzhen to enter the Qianhai Dream Factory of Nanshan. She told reporters that when she came to Qianhai and enjoyed many help measures for Hong Kong youths, including talent housing subsidies, she also got a lot of inspiration and guidance on the road of entrepreneurship. She was grateful for this. "As a young man in Hong Kong, I think this is a wonderful era. In such an era, we must dare to embrace changes and pursue our dreams. As a entrepreneurial woman, I am very interested in women's leadership, so I am now in Hong Kong University of Hong Kong University of Industry and Commerce, research on the cultivation of female leadership, I hope my research results can give back to the society at that time. "

In July 2021, Fang Lihua won the title of Outstanding Entrepreneur in the Greater Bay Area. She is also the top ten outstanding young people in Hong Kong in 2016 and receives award with Guo Jingjing on the same stage. "We want to contribute to the Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area and serve the Greater Bay Area. This is the power of the example. Therefore, the Greater Bay Area Designer Alliance I found can help more Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macau, and Taiwan designers landing. Qianhai, the Greater Bay Area, understand the Chinese market docking courses and work hard to build the Greater Bay Area. "

Fang Lihua founded the fashion brand now for 7 years. She has been to New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, Macau and Hong Kong Fashion Week. She also participates in Shenzhen Fashion Week every year. "This is a career dedicated to beauty. In the future, we will also work hard to create a beautiful Chinese female image and empower Chinese women. I hope that all our women will be born in this beautiful era and live in a beautiful life."

"Through Chinese cultural history through art, beautiful and high -end overseas" overseas "

"Qianhai is really a good place!" Hong Kong artist Song Weibang pursued freedom and acted in the sky. He had been to more than 40 countries and lived in 7 countries. Song Weibang operated an art company in Hong Kong, worked overseas from time to time, and taught at a university in Zhuhai. In 2021, she was very exciting to see the newly completed investment and preferential policies in the WeChat Group's second phase of the Dream Workshop. "(Dream Workshop) Architects and my Hong Kong Studio are the same architects. At that time, the Chief Executive came to our opening ceremony, so I feel novel and familiar with the architectural style of the Dream Workshop."

In 2021, Song Weiban chose to start a business at Qianhai Mengshi. The company's bank account has received the first single business before it is done, which made her involuntarily admire "Qianhai is really a good place to do business"! After that, with the development of the business, the company gradually encountered more and more good platforms, institutions, and partners, so that brands and works have more people to know.

In Song Weiban's view, the Greater Bay Area itself has the advantages of geographical environment. There are Hong Kong -oriented windows facing the world. Hong Kong people and overseas people are convenient for entering and leaving. The future is irrelevant. Acquisite.

Song Weibo's artistic creation concept is integrated with environmental protection, intangible cultural heritage, photography and design elements, and works include environmentally friendly photography kaleidoscope, 3D photos FOTOMO, and cultural and creative living products designed. Her work broke the plane restrictions of the photo, turned daily items into a photo -sharing platform, integrated art into life, and created a new photography culture. Her recent cross -border photography work "Old Hong Kong · New Exploration" exhibited in the Luohu Art Museum in Shenzhen has aroused the attention of the audience and the discussion of Hong Kong.

"I think the culture needs to be continuously developed, and it needs innovation, environmental protection, cultural heritage, and historical conservation. I use technology to innovate photos in different materials and break through the plane restrictions of photos, so that everything in life can become a display platform for photos of the photo. . Integrate environmental protection, traditional culture and history, bring my vision and knowledge abroad into China, and use the cultural history of China to pass the art and high -end overseas. "Song Weibang said.

"In the future, better integrate into the Greater Bay Area and the development of the country". "

As a continuous entrepreneur focusing on the forefront of technology and industrial change in the world, Hong Kong youth Li Yi returned to China to join Ruisixin in early 2020 and came to the entrepreneurial family in Qianhai. "I have always been very optimistic about the potential and space of the development of the mainland market, especially the location advantages of the Greater Bay Area in the field of technology, finance, and interconnection. After the period, I decisively chose to return to China and come to the Greater Bay Area. "

In an interview with a reporter, Li Yi said that one of the reasons for joining the Ruisixin and the RiOS Turing Award Laboratory was to hope that the team can focus on the Risc-V open source instruction set in the field of CPU research and carry out technical tackling and product research and development. Construction of the RISC-V global innovation chip company with Shenzhen as the root node. "At the same time, I will give full play to the role of the connection between international resources and bring back the use of the study overseas."

"I think the development prospects of the Greater Bay Area are unlimited and very prosperous." When talking about the future work plan, Li Yi told reporters, "In the future, it is better to integrate into the Greater Bay Area and the development of the country. At the beginning, it was a mission and idea of ​​serious thinking. This is why we choose to return to China to start a business. I hope that we can use this platform to use the advantages of our past experience to better link the talents, resources, resources, and resources of the Greater Bay Area Industry, etc. "This year is the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. Li Yi said:" Hong Kong is about to enter a new development process. I hope that in the future, I can have more and more frequent interconnection. The advantages, advantages, and advantageous ideas of Hong Kong and Shenzhen better integrate and better use the collaborative effects of the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, we also hope that Ruisixin's platform can use our own efforts to use their own efforts to pay attention to Hong Kong's science and technology youth youth youth. More and more attractive, attract them to join us, create international chip platforms, and let China's independent innovation chips go to the world. "

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