"This year's college entrance examination mathematics average is a new low"?Multi -province rumor

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.06.23

In 2022, the college entrance examination dust has been settled, and as of now, the provincial college entrance examination papers have been basically completed. The results of the college entrance examination are about to be released one after another. Recently, some media have released the average score of the college entrance examinations in Fujian, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places. "". In this regard, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces have rumored rumors. The above information is fake news. They have never announced the average score of various subjects.

Image source: network

Jiangsu: The rumors of "College Entrance Examination Mathematics" are not true

According to the official website of the Jiangsu Education Examination Institute, recently, some netizens and candidates reported to the Jiangsu Education Examination Institute that a few self -media platforms released the so -called "paid can be checked in advance", "high -priced authoritative volunteer reporting guidance", "Jiangsu college entrance examination mathematics scores exposed the average exposure "For information, some self -media also labeled the location as the education administrative department. The Jiangsu Provincial Education Examination Institute stated solemnly that the above information was false and suspected of violations of the law. It has reported to the public security and market supervision departments, and reserves the right to further investigate the legal responsibility of relevant platforms and self -media people.

Fujian: "The average score of 37.8 points for college entrance examination mathematics" is fake news

According to the news of the People's Daily Online, the results of the college entrance examination are about to be released. Recently, there are the average scores of college entrance examinations in Fujian, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places from the media. It is also a rare low score in recent years. " Regarding the online circulation of "the average score of the Fujian college entrance examination this year is 37.8 points", the reporter learned from the relevant departments that the above information is fake news, and they have never announced the average score of various subjects.

Guangdong: The average score of the Guangdong college entrance examination is only 52? No basis

According to Red Net, recently, "the average score of the Guangdong college entrance examination this year is only 52.04". In this regard, the reporter contacted the Guangdong Education Examination Institute for verification and verification. The Guangdong Education Examination Institute stated that it had noticed the relevant situation and pointed out: "This is not based."

【Silk Road Man comment】

Cut off

After each year of the college entrance examination, there are high incidence of fraud cases. How to allow candidates to enter the university campus safely, and need to do related work in education, public security, telecommunications and other departments, and make multiple efforts. Mo Xinjun believes that "the pie is falling in the sky"; the public must also actively report the relevant information and clues of the college entrance examination fraud. Only by forming a joint force in the whole society can all scams, including college entrance examination scams.

Source: New Gansu · Daily Gansu.com, Beijing Daily Client

Editor in charge: Yu Shuai

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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