[Press Conference] Yunnan: Strengthen linkage and cooperation to form a combination of drug crimes

Author:Supreme inspection Time:2022.06.23

Press conference site

On June 22, the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate held a press conference on "Strict Camparation of Drug Crimes Actively Promoting the Staffing Governance", informing the province's procuratorial organs to severely crack down on drug crimes in accordance with the law, actively participate in comprehensive control of drug control, and release ten typical cases.

From January 2021 to May 2022, the Yunnan Procuratorate accepted a total of 4,286 cases of 4,286 cases for the arrest of drug crimes, reviewed and approved 3,701 4,564 cases; 5,857 cases of drug crimes were accepted for review and prosecution of 4921 6273. People were sentenced to 1,213 people who were sentenced to life in prison.

According to reports, in recent years, the Yunnan procuratorial organs have formed a combination of drug crimes by strengthening linkage cooperation. From January 2021 to May 2022, the Yunnan Procuratorate involved in 555 cases of drug cases in public security organs, attended 291 pre -court meetings, and the prosecutor attended 212 trial committees.

In addition, the Yunnan procuratorial organs took the opportunity to issue the "No. 7 Procuratorate" as an opportunity to implement the implementation of the source and other fields in all aspects and multiple angles. Through active actions with local postal management, public security, customs and other departments, 74 investigations and discussions were carried out, 38 linkage mechanisms and normative documents were established. 77 games, effectively promoted the implementation of "real -name collection, delivery, check -in visual inspection, and passenger security inspection", etc., and jointly built the "firewall" of the delivery safety.

"While strictly cracking down on major drug crimes in accordance with the law, fully fulfill the duties of legal supervision, strengthen evidence review and guide investigation, highlight the anti -money laundering work, strictly implement the criminal policy of lenient and strictness, and actively promote comprehensive anti -drug governance." At the conference, the hospital, the hospital, Relevant persons in charge introduced the ten typical cases released.

"We punished the social harmful crimes such as selling new drugs such as new drugs in accordance with the law, resolutely curbing the flood of drugs, effectively protecting the physical and mental health of young people and the general public, and maintaining social harmony and stability." The relevant comrades of the meeting answered.

(WeChat public account of Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate)

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