@: The wheat is about to pump the spikes and flowers, you need to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of giant mold disease

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.23

Recently, the reporter learned from the Heilongjiang Provincial Plant Protection Station that the wheat in Heilongjiang Province is about to enter a susceptible disease period. From late June to early July, the meteorological conditions in the province are generally beneficial to the occurrence of diseases, and the prevention of wheat bribent disease has entered a critical period.

Wheat undercib is one of the important diseases of wheat. It is closely related to the popularity of climatic conditions, the number of sources, and the resistance of varieties. In the case of suitable temperature conditions, if the wheat toves to the flowering period, if it encounters continuous rainy or heavy fog weather, the disease is very popular.

Wheat scibloma

The meteorological department predicts that the temperature in the province is higher than the year from late June to early July. The precipitation of the main wheat producing area is close to the year (0 to 1 %). The meteorological conditions are generally beneficial to the occurrence of diseases.

Heilongjiang Provincial Plant Protection Station suggested that the wheat planting area should pay close attention to local weather forecasts, give full play to the role of monitoring points, strengthen monitoring and early warning, guide farmers to take prevention measures in the wheat, inhibit the infection of germs, effectively control wheat red red Mold occur.

All localities should fully implement the prevention measures for "seeing flowers and medicines", and for high -sensitive varieties, if the medicine is adequate after the medication, it should be adapted to the weather such as rain and long -term exposure. Second prevention. Prevention of cathhonis, pentarazol, meterine, propyl, fluorizolic hydroxyline and other high -efficiency drugs and anti -effects can be used to prevent and control the prevention and control effect. , Reduce the risk of vomiting toxin pollution.

Source: Lottery News

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