Students swinging pens and communities add gallery

Author:Zhuzhou Published Time:2022.06.23

The students created on the wall. Reporter/Liu Ping

"There are 6 wall walls, you can finish the two days." On June 22, Jinjin Community Health Road, Tianyuan District, specialty students from the Municipal Second Middle School and a number of previous graduates of the school to the road together to match the road together The outer wall of the 6 residential buildings is painted, attracting the citizens to stop and watch.

Health Road passed through the Jinjin Community Jinjin Garden Community, connecting the Xiangyun Farmers Market, and the flow of people is very large.

Each wall is about 2.5 meters high and 10 meters long. According to Chen Siyi, the leader of the Municipal Second Middle School Art Teaching and Research Team, the wall painting event was co -sponsored by the Communist Youth League Tianyuan District Committee, the Municipal Second Middle School Youth League Committee, and the Jinjin Community Youth League Branch. The students were very enthusiastic. The previous graduates were college students and graduate students from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. A student involved in painting said that he hoped that residents would take care of the environment and make these wall painting works a business card in the community.

"The return rate must be high!" Ms. Li, resident of the community, said that the Jinjin Garden Community is an open -style old community. The wall painting works created by students make the community an additional gallery.

Source/Zhuzhou Evening News reporter/Liu Ping


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