Macau closes to specific places such as cinemas and other places to stop eating food farms

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.23

The reporter learned from the News Agency of Macau Special Administrative Region that the "Macau Special Administrative Region Bulletin" published the instructions of the Chief Executive No. 102/2022 on the 23rd. The restaurant stopped eating only takeaway.

He Yicheng, Chief Executive of the Macau Special Administrative Region, instructed that according to the assessment of the new Coronary virus infection and strain coordination center, Macau faces the danger of the outbreak of a new coronary virus community. In order to prevent the spread of the new coronary virus in Macau, He Yicheng instructed from Article 25 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, instructions from 5 pm on June 23, 2022:

(1) Close all cinema, theater, indoor playgrounds, game consoles and video game rooms, Internet cafes, billiard rooms, bowling stadiums, steam bathrooms, massage homes, beauty salons, fitness homes, health clubs, "karaoke" venues, "karaoke", Bar, nightclub, Shigao, ballroom, song and dance hall, barber shop, and swimming pool to the public;

(2) Stop all restaurants, beverage venues and diet places to provide the public with services to eat and drink drinks in relevant venues, but it does not hinder the provision of takeaway services.

In addition, the Macau Municipal Administration has suspended the opening of parks and rest areas, free wavelands, various district activity centers, indoor facilities and exhibition venues, etc. The Sports Bureau has also suspended all sports facilities under the jurisdiction. Essence

(Source: People's Daily client)

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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