Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau went to Cangxi to inspect and guide food safety work

Author:Sichuan Food Safety Time:2022.06.23

On June 22, Yang Jingming, a second -level inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, led a team to Cangxi County to inspect and guide food production safety work. The implementation of hidden dangers and safety "" special actions.

The inspection team went to the Cangxi Yatai Oil Company to understand the company's product research and development, production, quality control, sales, etc., and guided enterprises to strengthen quality and safety management in the raw materials acceptance, production process control, and product delivery inspection.


At the symposium, after the inspection team heard the reports of Guangyuan City and Cangxi County's special operations on the special operations of the "Inspection Insurance", they expressed high affirmation of Cangxi County's work practices. Specific guidance. The meeting emphasized,

It is necessary to give play to the role of the Food and Safety Office to take the lead and coordinate and coordinate, and promote the implementation of the "Quartet" responsibility of food safety; keep the safety bottom line, ensure that special actions are effective, and maintain the stability of food safety "global year"; effectively play effectively The role of market supervision services, actively integrate into the overall situation of local economic development, work hard on service development, and actively promote the high -quality development of the food industry.


Li Shujie, deputy director of the Guangyuan Market Supervision Bureau, Wang Ze, member of the Standing Committee of the Cangxi County Party Committee and deputy county chief, and the deputy county chief mother Jianrong participated in the inspection. (Ji Yanling reporter Cheng Boquan whole beam plan)

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