The Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress held the chairman of the chairman of the 119th chairman of the National People's Congress to listen to the relevant draft and bill review, reporting the Li Zhanshu host meeting

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.23

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 23rd. The 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was held in the Great Hall of the People on the 23rd of the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the morning of the 23rd. Chairman Li Zhanshu chaired the meeting.

The meeting listened to the reports of the draft amendments to the draft amendment of the Sports Law, the report on the draft opinion of the Black Land Protection Law, and the report on the draft amendment opinion of the Draft Anti -Monopoly Law on the draft amendment opinion of the Black Land Land Protection Law. The report on the decision of the rules of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decided to revise the opinions of the draft amendments, etc., and reviewed the amendments to the relevant draft.

The meeting listened to the report on the draft of the central accounts of 2021 and the discussion of the draft of the central accounts of 2021 by Shi Yaobin, deputy chairman of the National People's Congress Finance and Economic Committee and the director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The draft resolution of the central government's final accounts on behalf of the draft.

Yang Zhenwu, Secretary -General of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, gave a report on the qualifications of individual representatives and the review of the exemption of individual representatives.

Liu Junchen, deputy secretary -general of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, gave a report on the party's appointment and removal matters to the meeting.

The meeting of the members decided to submit the amended draft and draft drafts and drafts to the Standing Committee meeting for consideration.

Wang Chen, Cao Jianming, Zhang Chunxian, Shen Yueyue, Ji Bingxuan, Aili Eli, Wanwhan, Wang Dongming, Bai Ma Chilin, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, Wu Weihua attended the meeting. Essence

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