Pomegranate fast comments 丨 How to make the homestay eye -catching and attract gold

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.06.23

Wang Xinhong

6月21日,记者在乌鲁木齐县水西沟镇采访时,一家民宿的经营者说,因为疫情,客流减少了很多,影响很大,另一家民宿的经营者则说,客流量基本平稳,没有Too much influence.

The reporter stayed in these two homestays for a long time, and found that what the two homestay operators said were truth.

It is also operating a homestay. Why is there a lot of passengers? There is a small passenger flow? Why does the impact on one family have a great impact on one family?

With these doubts, the reporter and several tourists, homestay operators, and village cadres talked in -depth conversations. After talking, everyone generally believes that the two homestays that are not far away are factors such as positions and epidemic conditions, but more importantly are the differences between business philosophy and characteristics.

It is easy to say that it is easy to do. In 2019, when the homestay of Shuixigou Town was just rising, the villagers in several villages in the town relying on the construction of the Danshan International Tourism Area to actively develop the homestay industry and leisure tourism, the income was very good.

The corner of the homestay. Reporter Wang Xinhong Photo

The reporter observed that the homestay was not affected by the epidemic and found that it mainly made its own characteristics. Entering this homestay, you will find many elements that move your details: children's rooms on the paved, sound -controlled curtains, spiral sliding ladders, and fairy tales; bathrooms and kitchens The district is half of the space by various green plants, making you seem to be in nature. The terrace on the roof can not only look around the beautiful scenery not far away, but also has a fairy -tale mood. More than 60 books around the casual bed allow you to swim in the sea of ​​books while relaxing.

From the perspective of tourists, the reporter believes that the reason why this house can attract the passenger flow is that in addition to the basic functions of the homestay food and accommodation, it also enlarges the concept of micro -vacation and micro -leisure of the homestay. Attractors to retain guests.

The operating experience of this homestay shows that if you want to make the homestay eye -catching and attract gold, it is expensive to create a good environment for cultural tourism with characteristics, heavy details, and meet the needs of tourists. Because the homestay is not an upgraded version of the farmhouse. If you only focus on eating and accommodation, and do not pay attention to digging and enhancing the connotation of the homestay from the cultural aspect, the sustainable development of the homestay is difficult to achieve.

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