"Piece" bayberry!The fresh and juicy Suzhou real estate peach, grab the morning market

Author:Watch Suzhou Time:2022.06.23

In early summer to midsummer,

From the tender loquat to the sweet and sour bayberry

Fresh fruits can always be satisfied

"Eat from time to time" the taste buds of Suzhou people

Recently, Suzhou is full of juicy

Real Estate Divine Peach "pick -up" listing

You can experience the Xiaoling Fortune of Summer in one taste

It is understood that this year’s peach peaches are listed early

And good quality

Currently, it is mainly harvested in Ishikawa and other precocious varieties

This morning, when I saw Suzhou reporters walk into the Manchu Farm of Wujiang Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, I saw a row of peach trees and lush leaves. The fruits on it were full of pink and furry peaches. They also wore "protective uniforms".

The peaches of the farm are not only sweet, but they are still very large, each with seven or eight. Fruit farmers follow the ancient methods of nature, weeding, loose soil, and branches, and carefully care for each fruit tree.

The batch of "Ishikawa" listed on the farm is now the authentic Yangshan peach variety. It has been picked in the past two days. "Our farms have grown 25 acres of peaches, including Ishikawa, Baifeng, and Lake Jing. It is planted in the early and middle and late stages. At about 300 pounds, the picking period lasted about 40 days. "Said He Weihua, head of the Manchu Farm of Wujiang Modern Agricultural Industrial Park.

"Because this year's rain is small and sufficient light, the peach peaches have been listed earlier than in previous years. Taking advantage of the bayberry to the market, they have been on the table of Suzhou citizens!" Wu Xiaoting, a 67 -year -old farm technical director, checked the growth of the peach tree. , Introduce and introduce reporters. It is understood that Suzhou has the history of peach trees in Tongli. But today's planting technology has been relatively mature, and the peach has good quality and good taste.

Don't underestimate the details in Taoyuan, it is also full of knowledge when planting peaches. "In the past, the fruit trees were planted with a lot of fruit. Although a peach tree can knot more than 300 peaches, the fruit shape is small and the sweetness is not high." Wu Xiaoting introduced.

Now through branches, the quality of the fruit is guaranteed, and each peach is also bagged to ensure the sweetness of the peach. Apply potassium to improve the soil environment, and keep the soil water level at about 50 cm underground, allowing peaches to absorb water, more juicy and delicious.

It is understood that the outer bag of peaches is mainly for the fact that the fruit is not subject to pests and insect pests, reducing pesticide residues, and can also make the fruit more evenly uniform, effectively ensure the quality of the fruit.

Fresh and juicy fresh peaches are loved by Suzhou citizens. As soon as the market was listed, the farm received a lot of orders. "6 to 7 dual -quality high -quality peaches are priced at 20 yuan per catty. There are scattered customers who buy, and many companies have already ordered." He Weihua said.

In addition to peaches, fresh fruits such as Suzhou Real Estate Grape and Dragon Fruit will also be listed one after another. Suzhou people who want to try something new, don't miss these time!

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