Summer solstice has arrived, while "hot" health care

Author:Grand View News Time:2022.06.23

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Liu Ning, deputy director of the Department of Cancer Department of the Second People's Hospital of Dalian, reminded that traditional medicine believes that the summer solstice is the most prosperous season, and the health care of this period must be in line with the characteristics of Yang Sheng outside and in peace.

Zhang Lixia, a reporter from Dalian News Media Group |

Go to bed late and get up in Moosuki

The summer solstice is short and short, and people should follow the changes in natural yin and yin. In addition, the summer is hot, the reason is leaked, and it is easily attacked by the wind and cold and dampness. It is not advisable to blow the fan directly during sleep. When the room with air -conditioning to the outdoors, it is necessary to pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. Don't sleep at night.

In addition, the lunch break should be arranged reasonably to avoid the trend of hotness; the second can restore fatigue. Bathing with warm water daily is also a health method worthy of advocating. It can speed up blood circulation, improve skin and tissue nutrition, reduce muscle tension, eliminate fatigue, improve sleep, and enhance resistance.

Spleen to nourish the heart and be happy

After the summer solstice, in addition to strengthening the spleen, you must also raise your heart. According to the theory of the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine, people are prone to boring in summer. At this time, we must keep up and calm, and use a happy and happy state to relieve bad emotions. I slackness, annoying, depression, and hindering the gas jump. Therefore, we must maintain an interest in external things and cultivate an optimistic personality to facilitate the venting of the gas machine. As the saying goes, "The heart is quiet and natural", the soothing music and the five audio therapy of Chinese medicine can help breathe slowly, let the heart be recuperated, and regulate the human body's immune function.

Eat "bitter" with a light diet

The weather is hot, and the digestive function of people is relatively weak. The diet should be light, avoid greasy and indigestible foods. Green leaf vegetables and fruits and fruits are a good choice, but you should not be greedy. You should also eat more bitter vegetables, such as bitter gourd, coriander, etc. Bitter food has the effects of removing dryness, removing dampness, cooling heat, and promoting appetite. However, bitter foods are cold. Although it can clear heat and diarrhea, those with weak constitutions should not be consumed.

In the hot summer, drinking porridge in the morning and evening can not only live up to quench thirst, but also nourish the body and help the yang. Recommend a summer solstice health porridge -barley rice lily mung bean porridge, 30 grams of mung bean, 30 grams of lilies, 30 grams of barley, 50 grams of rice, wash the mung beans to remove impurities, wash the lily, wash the barley, japonica rice, and then wash it. Put the mung bean, barley, and japonica rice in the pot and add 500 grams of water to boil with fire, add lily to stew for 1 hour, add a little sugar to dissolve and eat it.

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