"We just love each other briefly."

Author:Bloody animal Time:2022.06.24

ID: ilovexiaogai

Every time Ah Hammer will broadcast a message to me:

"I broke up again."

This "again" does not mean the same boyfriend, but represents different men.

I persuaded her to try to talk about a long time of love, at least one year.

She would throw a white eye and said, "Do you think I don't want to?!"

But there is no way, every love is very short -lived.

Ah Hamn claimed to be a scumbag and talked about three loves, and each paragraph did not exceed half a year.

Xiaobai is her fourth boyfriend. Originally, the two were in love that was blessed by freshness, but accidentally met the Shanghai epidemic. A hammer could not return, so he lived with Xiaobai.

A few days ago, they were officially together for half a year.

The sisters in the group continued to coax congratulations to celebrate the "golden wedding" of the two, but did not expect that Ah Hammer replied,

"I haven't divided it yet, but I always feel fast."

Ah Hammer confessed that there was no principled contradiction in principle.

It's just that two people are opposite, the other party’s small habit, the friction of work, so that the rice oil and salt,

It can be a reason to get tired of each other.

After breaking up too much, Ahha admit that he is a bit "helpless."

Every time she quarrels, she will move out of that sentence, "Maybe we are not suitable."

Sometimes the two people are happy, and she will never think about it, "How long can this love be maintained this time?"

In short, she was a bit pessimistic in love.

Once I asked her, why was every love very short?

She replied to me, and she did not maintain the ability of long -term intimacy.

Every time the freshness faded, the two began to fall into a deadlock and quarrel, and her love and patience would be exhausted.

Rather than consume the last two defeats, it is better to be decent and separated early.

Early breakup is a fast -acting medicine for Aham Hammer to treat emotional incurable diseases.

You only need to paint for a short time, and you can re -organize your mood and start a new encounter.

However, every relationship she did not escape this cycle in the future:

From chat, eating, watching movies, I love you,

To friction, cold war, a big quarrel, let's break up.

On the way to find love, Ah Hammer tried to bypass every difficulty. Maybe this can bypass an unsuitable object.

But there is no way to bypass the incompetent self.

But I can also understand the feelings and choices of Ah Hammer.

Fall in love, but also pay attention to the decreased law of marginal benefits.

Just like drinking cola, the first bite is always the best, and the stimulus and enjoyment of each bite later are decreasing.

Many of us will create a lot of romantic experience for each other before entering a relationship.

After entering the relationship, I lay flat.

The original love was continuously used and consumed, but there was no new heartbeat.

So the romance faded, and a relationship went to the end.

Some time ago, I brushed a word from Fudan Professor Liang Yongan.

He said: "Today, many people's so -called love has not established a life relationship, and only one consumption relationship is established, and it is over.

Fresh energy is gone, and then you have to change it again.

What is a loss?

It is to continue to slide in a shallow experience. It is a ravioli skating person throughout his life, and the whole is on the surface.

Never, and a person really experience happiness. "

This sentence made me think of Ah Hammer for no reason and love with her short -lived love.

Perhaps Ah Hammer has never really experienced love.

She just held the "Love Experience Card" for half a year, and ended her hastily after a taste.

But I don't know real love, I need to fall in love with each other again and again.

"So when you fell in love with Xiaobai the last time, when is it?"

A few minutes later, Ah Hammer gave her answer in the group chat.

It was a evening that she woke up from her sleep, and she had become dark outside the window. She turned her head to sleep with a red -printed face.

It is strange that when a person sleeps until the evening, there is always a sense of loss abandoned by the world.

But the two people woke up in a ball, but felt lazy and at ease.

Even if the world falls, I am not afraid.

I think, I love you during the love period, I see your fun and tenderness, so I love you;

After the freshness faded away, I love you. I saw your boredom, naive, and sleepy eyes after getting up early in the morning, and still love you.

So ah, don't be afraid that love will become bland-

When you feel love starts to fade,

True love began to emerge.

Those who have a shelf life are freshness

Not love.

- END -

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