Multiple functional departments are resident in the centers of social governance, so that citizens who reflect the demands "only enter one door"

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.24

Many departments reflect the people of petitions are included in the resident units. Reporter Zhang Heng,

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 24 (Reporter Zhang Heng) On the morning of June 23, the construction area was about 8,450 square meters. The Social Governance Center of the East and West Lake District will open up various business systems in political and legal, and the "one stop" mediation of contradictions and disputes, and the "one stop" defense office of risk hidden dangers to promote the aggregation of social governance elements, data fusion and process re -construction.

The center integrates the five major centers of Ping An Lianchuang Center, Social Contradiction and Dispute Resolution Resolution Resolution Center, the people's calling me to command center, the "integrated and public publicity" integrated command center, and the public legal service center. Level governance system.

The reporter saw in Beiyi District that the area of ​​social contradictions and disputes in the area of ​​the region and the district public legal service center. The "Chengxin" studio where the veteran cadres entered, and the "people's heart" studio and the visiting registered registered register of the "two representative members". There are also "five -tunes and one room" of material adjustment, home adjustment, medical treatment, intercourse, and psychological counseling room, and introduced the court's "patrol court" and the "labor dispute arbitral tribunal" of the human and social department.

Construction and co -governance sharing to open up information islands and data barriers. Reporter Zhang Heng,

"There is a small bench to visit here, with the people of the people, and the letters and visits cadres who listen to the voice of the masses carefully. Zhang Qiaoyun. There is a loyalty to the party and the original intention of the petitioner. According to people, the letters and visits, disciplinary committees, public security, and justice are comprehensive office here, reflecting more departments of letters and visits in the resident units. Use concentrated exchanges efficiency to allow the people who reflect the demand to enter only one door and run at most.

At present, the information platform project of the Social Governance Center of the East and West Lakes District focuses on 1 social governance map+1 digital base+1 set of command scheduling system+N special scenarios. For applications, pilot development of Ping An campus, large -scale activities and other applications, in the future, will continue to deepen the design and application according to actual needs.

The main person in charge of the East and West Lake District stated that it will use the social governance center as the carrier to solve problems such as "single fighting alone, decentralized resources, and weak overall planning". , Close coordinated urban smart governance system. Explore the "Public Points and Government Services" model to provide the masses with "one -stop" services. Give full play to the advantages of platform agglomeration, resource concentration, and group operations, and form a working mechanism for direct warfare and multi -cross -collaborative working mechanism. Continuously explore the characteristics of Net Valley and the modernization of social governance at the grass -roots level of the east and west lakes.

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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