Weilai tested the car crashed and the two were killed!Weilai response: The investigation has been launched in cooperation with the public security department

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.24

On June 23, a car of Weilai Automobile headquarters in Shanghai Innovation Port rushed out of the floor and fell from upstairs, causing heated discussions.

▲ On June 23, a Weilai Automobile fell from the three floors of its Shanghai headquarters building. (Upstream news)

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, on the same day, the reporter learned from the Anting Fire Rescue Station of the Anting District Fire Rescue Station in Jiading District, Shanghai that it did happen. At about 17:00 on the 22nd, the squadron dispatched two fire truck rescue and 2 trapped people in the car. At that time, it was taken to the hospital for treatment.

The online video shows that in the Weilai Automobile headquarters of Shanghai Innovation Port, a car rushed out of the upstairs and fell from upstairs. The vehicle was severely damaged, with glass fragments and concrete bricks scattered nearby.

According to the surging news reporter learned from the relevant departments, at 17:22 on June 22, a Weilai test car fell from a high place at 17:22 at 17:22, An Ting Town, An Tong Town. Du Mou and Zhang Moumou were injured. After 120 arrived, they sent two people to Anting Oriental Hepatobiliary Hospital for treatment. Among them, Du Mou died due to the ineffective rescue, and Zhang Moumou announced his death on the early morning of the 23rd.

On the evening of June 22, the official Weibo needle of Weilai Automobile responded to the accident: At about 17:20 on June 22, a Weilai test vehicle fell from the third floor of the parking building of Shanghai Innovation Port, resulting in two numbers. The cockpit tester was killed, one of which was a company colleague and the other was a partner and employee.

We were very distressed about this accident and expressed deep condolences to colleagues and partners who were killed. The company has set up a special group to help family members handle the aftermath.

After the accident, the company collaborated with the public security department to launch the investigation and analysis procedures for the cause of the accident. Based on the analysis of the scene, it can be preliminarily confirmed that this is an accident, which has nothing to do with the vehicle itself.

Source: Law Network Comprehensive

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