Video 丨 Each of Jinan's 7 police stations called "Yellow River" is full of feelings for the Yellow River

Author:Love Jinan Client Time:2022.06.24

Implement ecological police and protect the Yellow River Anlan. As the central city of the Yellow River Basin, Jinan is the core growth pole leading the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin and high -quality development. As the guardian of "Ping An Jinan", Jinan Public Security has resolutely carried the major political responsibilities along the Huangcheng public security organs, and resolutely be the guardian and defender of the "green water and green mountains".

Since March 2022, the city's public security organs have established a "ecological sheriff" mechanism in an all -round way, actively implemented "ecological police", strengthened the crackdown on illegal crimes involving ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, fulfilled the duties of ecological environmental protection of public security organs, escorted and guaranteed the Yellow River Basin Key engineering projects stimulate the vitality of police innovation and improve the level of serving people's livelihood. Practicing the forging iron army, protecting the mother river, building a happy river, Jinan Public Security walked ahead.

From now on, Ai Jinan News Client and the Jinan Public Security Bureau jointly launched a series of "Yellow River Anlan Ecological Police" reports. Based on the Yellow One Line, from a grass -roots perspective, the implementation of the major national strategy of the Yellow River is explained. With the merits of size, the benefit of Qiangqiu.

In this report, the heads of the 7 police stations of Jinan Public Security were invited to tell the story of them and the Yellow River. Let us feel their determination and will to guard the Yellow River Anlan and build ecological police through short videos.

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