Wudang District planned 53,600 acres of medium -sized irrigation districts to renew the support and water -saving reconstruction project

Author:Guiyang Daily Time:2022.06.24

The Water Management Bureau of Wudang District seized the opportunity, incorporated 20 second -tier irrigation districts in Wudang District into the scope of water -saving facilities, and compiled the "Report on the Construction Supporting and Water Conservation Projects of Wudang District, Guiyang City". It reaches 53,600 mu.

It is understood that the agricultural irrigation water conservancy engineering facilities in Wudang District have been completed in batches for many years. Due to the long time of construction, some projects have been aging and severe damage. In addition, the original construction standards have not met the requirements for water -saving irrigation of agricultural production in modern irrigation districts. Severe waste of water resources, urgently needed to carry out continuous construction facilities and water -saving reconstruction construction in the irrigation area.

In April of this year, the Provincial Water Resources Department issued the "Notice on the continuous construction of the mid-size irrigation zone in 2023-2025". Requires, go deep into the fields and find the pain points of the irrigation of farmland irrigation. On the basis of combining the high -standard farmland construction project of Wuzheng District, 20 second -level irrigation areas in Wudang District are included in the scope of water -saving reforms. When the project of continuing support and water-saving reconstruction project of the district irrigation district ", the total planned area is 53,600 mu, involving more than 30 villager groups in 5 towns and 1 townships in the district. Water supporting construction, further improve the farmland water conservancy infrastructure of Wudang District, improve irrigation efficiency, and achieve the purpose of saving water and irrigation.

At present, the Water Affairs Bureau of Wudang District has reported to the Provincial Department of Water Resources in accordance with the time limit. The Water Bureau of Wudang District will strengthen the docking and strive to allow the project to land as soon as possible.

Author: Ren Gulun

Edit: Wang Qing

Coordinating: Zhang Qiang

Editor: Wei Hua

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