Cultural Jining experience hospitality Shandong | Cultural Tourism Carnival 6 major themes to activate consumption

Author:Jining Daily Time:2022.06.24

Time: From now on September.

"Shandong Shouzheng Jining Good Gift" Cultural and Creative Tourism Commodity Exhibition

Selected high -quality hand -made goods and non -heritage projects in 16 cities in the province for on -site display and performance. At the same time, the promotional video of "Shandong Hand -Creed Jining Gifts" was released, WeChat applets were launched, and Shandong hand -made products were comprehensively promoted. Create a brand.

China (Jining) the first Golden Stone Culture National Famous Art Art Exhibition

The exhibition was held in the Confucius Museum from June 23 to July 2. Jinshi Culture is an important carrier carrying Chinese literary pulse and recording the evolution of Chinese characters. The exhibition invites the 100 most representative artists in the field of Jinshi, calligraphy, and seal engraving. "".

"Good guest Shandong · Cultural Jining" Tourist Scenic Area Photography Exhibition

Call more than 5,000 works, carefully select 120 masterpieces for special exhibitions, and display the unique cultural landscape of Jining, unique scenic features, and unique tourism charm of Jining.

Confucius Food Festival

The ninth Confucius Cuisine Food Festival includes activities such as the China Confucius Food Cultural Culture Summit and the Experience Experience Experience of the Confucius Banquet. It actively promotes the standardization, industrialization, and branding of Confucius food, and further starts the "Confucius cuisine" gold signboard.

"Good guest Shandong Cultural Jining" Service Festival

Through hotel service etiquette display, release service quality initiative, selection of Jining City Quality Service Demonstration Store, organizing modern hotel services and Confucian etiquette summit forums, etc., fully drive the upgrade of Joning's tourism and catering services, establish "cultural Jining" Catering service benchmark.

Jining City Cultural Tourism benefits the people's consumer season activities

Planning and launching "Huyou Jining · Healthy Life", "Non -genetic inheritance, Hand -Creation Innovation", "Cultural Tourism, Huimin · Cultural Run City", "Night Tour Jining · Night City", "Twenty Dedication · Art Street Jining" Series theme activities. At present, the activity has been held on June 2, and the first batch of 300,000 yuan Huimin consumer coupons were issued. At the same time, in the month of the travel conference, all 99 A -level scenic spots in Jining City were free, which caused a good response in the whole society.

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Zhang Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Mi

In order to thoroughly implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party ...

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