Safety work without ending every day is zero starting point

Author:Chifeng Forest Fire Time:2022.06.24

Author: Liu Weiwei

"Everyone who seizes safety, everyone is responsible for security, every day is safe day, and everyone is a safety officer." Since the launch of the "Safety Work Inspection" activity, the Arukerqin Banner Squadron of Chifeng City Forest Fire Detachment combined with the actual work task, with the goal of "strong consciousness, management, removing hidden dangers, and security", continuously improved the safety responsibility of all the team personnel. consciousness.

Analyze the scientific deployment of the security situation

The squadron organized a security situation analysis meeting to conduct detailed investigations around 14 aspects such as "personnel, vehicles, tasks safety, seasonal accident prevention, wine control, training security, epidemic prevention and control, mobile network, confidentiality management ..." Crossly formulate the promotion table of activity plans and work development, clarify the content, division of tasks, time nodes, and specific requirements to ensure that the activity can be carried out in an orderly manner. Effectively eliminate hidden safety hazards in the bud state to ensure that hidden dangers are implemented in place.

Strict hidden dangers investigating the blockage of security vulnerabilities

During the inspection process, the backbone of the cadres went deep into the class dormitory, library room, operating room, duty room and other areas, focusing on safety risks such as water, warmth, electricity, etc. Make a "carpet -type" investigation, insist on the library one by one, and the content of the content one by one, do not miss any blind spots, leave any dead ends, effectively check the problem, check the hidden dangers to clearly clarify , Check the responsibility. And take the "look back" to check the implementation of the supervision, and to the hidden dangers and problems found in the inspection, pull the list, responsibility to people, timely rectification, and account sales numbers to ensure that the hidden dangers are "zero".

Pay attention to the implementation of the system strict control of the team

The squadron focuses on the implementation of the day's life system, strictly invites leave, late names, checked shops, premises and control, and camping door registration registration, highlighting people's car wine, network electricity, yellow gambling poison, marriage and loan, etc. In key links, eliminate the dead ends of management, effectively control people, strictly control the car, and keep the wine to ensure the safety and stability of the team.

Safety work starts from scratch every day. In the next step, the squadron will continue to grasp the safety prevention work and not relax, and carry out a solid "big inspection of safety work" to ensure that the internal high concentration of unity and safety and stability of the team.

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