Welcome to the new journey of the 20th and Forge for Ending

Author:Kyushu News Time:2022.06.24

In order to welcome the 20th National Congress, condense and convey the patriotic feelings of the whole society, on the evening of June 23, Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Yacheng Street New Community CPPCC, District Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Yichun Rural Commercial Bank, Yichun Elderly University The artistic performances jointly organized by the Art Troupe with the theme of "Welcome Twenty and Struggling New Journey" were successfully launched in the Changzhu Park.

At the event site, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Lianchuang Lianjian Founding Unit, District Investment, District Investment, In -service Party members, and volunteers of the Lianzhong National Discipline Inspection Commission maintained order and guided the people of the streets to actively participate in this literary performance.

The performance show during the event highly fits the theme "Welcome to the Twelve Congress and Entrusted New journey", and the opening dance "Leading" reveals the prelude to the art performance. The people of the literary performances watch the people streets. The Allegro Dance "Yuanzhou Chuangwen Comes Comes" and the second singing "Building the Chinese Dream" in the male and female students reveal the determination of the community streets to unite and create a civilized city and realize the Chinese dream. , Dance "My Motherland" and the girl's solo "The Love of the Motherland" deeply expressed the strong patriotic feelings, paying tribute to the immortal red heart, pushing the atmosphere to the climax. The street veterans paid tribute. Finally, this literary performance sang the theme of the Times of the Times Theme of the Times of the Dance show "The Communist Party for the People's Centennials and Thousand Years".

The theme of "The Twenty of the Twenty of the Greats, the New Journey to the State" is the theme of artistic performances. It has a variety of forms and rich connotations, enriching the holiday cultural life of the people, and also gives full play to the role and strength of the grass -roots literary teams. The streets of Yuanzhou District, Yichun City will continue to carry out various civilized practical activities, and send the spirit of civilization and volunteer spirit to the masses in the form of the masses in the form of the people. Hold a good atmosphere. (Cao Haibing Liu Yanhong)

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