Shuangchengji | Hong Kong youths come to the "big factory" and praise this matter!

Author:Shenzhen released Time:2022.06.24

"Go to Shenzhen!" More and more Hong Kong and Macao youths will invest in employment at Shenzhen. Whether it is new humans who like to shoot videos, people teachers who are watched by people, or professional athletes ... In Shenzhen, you can always find the "life in life in life step". "Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" specially planned a series of "Hong Kong and Macao Residents" Shenzhen "life series reports. Today, they are concerned about the employment field and approach Hong Kong and Macao young people who work in Shenzhen.

Liang Yanting was born in Hong Kong and entered the Tencent Public Affairs Department in August last year. She usually likes to shoot small videos. Through this form, more young people in Hong Kong understand the real life in Shenzhen.

Liang Yanting Tencent Group Public Affairs Manager: The government has organized many exchanges between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan youths. We will participate in some salons and lectures on weekends. Through the exchange with our peers or seniors, we can know that the development of this industry is now in this industry. The prospects make your future clearer. "Easy to facilitate Hong Kong and Macao residents" is very friendly for the youth of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Shenzhen welcomes Hong Kong and Macao youths to develop here.

The "18" mentioned by Liang Yanting is the "Several Measures on Further Convenience in Deep Development of Hong Kong and Macao Residents" released by Shenzhen on March 31 last year. Among the 18 measures, there are three measures involving employment, including encouraging Shenzhen enterprises to receive the employment of internship trainees of Hong Kong and Macao students and enjoy relevant policy subsidies; Hong Kong and Macao residents who are allowed to be in deep employment and eligible Hong Kong and Macao residents enjoy the corresponding talent policy treatment.

Driven by such a strong promotion, all walks of life in Shenzhen have moved and extended olive branches to more Hong Kong and Macao personnel.

Wang Hanzhang Tencent Youth Development Committee Office Deputy Director: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan British Talent Program, is a project that our company began to recruit Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students to interns internship in 2019. After three years of precipitation, we have recruited nearly 100 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students for internships. Essence

In addition to the "big factory" of Internet technology

One by one full of vitality and challenges

It has also become a new choice for youth in Hong Kong and Macao


Huang Xiaolei is the second Hong Kong youth hired by a public institution in Shenzhen. Because of the lively and lively class, it is loved by children.

Huang Xiaolei, Nanyuan Elementary School, Futian District, Shenzhen: A dream from childhood to large is to be a teacher. At that time, when there was no recruitment policy for Hong Kong and Macao people in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, I originally planned to go to institutions or some international schools. teacher. It is precisely because of the support of the policy that we can participate in public recruitment like the mainland residents and make our dreams bloom in the Bay Area.

Data show that there are more than 85,100 Hong Kong and Macao residents who have included employment registration management in Guangdong. Last year, Guangdong provided more than 9,000 public institutions to Hong Kong and Macao graduates, and the number of Hong Kong and Macao residents who participated in enterprise employees' endowment insurance in Guangdong continued to increase.

For a long time, Shenzhen's multi -measures support Hong Kong and Macao residents in deep development. In May of this year, a survey initiated by the Youth Research Center of the Hong Kong Youth Association showed that more than 50%of Hong Kong and Macao Youth employment preferred cities were Shenzhen.

Huang Yixian, born in 1997, is Huang Xiaolei's brother. He used to be a high -jump athletes in the Hong Kong track and field team. Thanks to the promotion of "Easy to Convenient Hong Kong and Macao Residents", many companies in Shenzhen recruit in Hong Kong youth. Seeing her sister found her world in Shenzhen, Huang Yixian also decided to develop in Shenzhen. The first job was to join the Greater Bay Area Qingchuang Center and become an event planning. Now, the Huang Yixian family lives in Shenzhen together.

Huang Yixian's Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Activity Planning Department: I am 25 years old. In these 25 years, I saw Hong Kong slowly integrated into the development of the entire Mainland. At the beginning of the year, the Hong Kong epidemic was outbreak. We saw the assistance of the motherland to Hong Kong, including the transportation of many elite medical teams, providing a large number of vaccines, and so on. As a Hong Kong youth developed in Shenzhen, I hope to organize a volunteer service team to represent Hong Kong youth to contribute to the development of Shenzhen.

Content source: straight news

Reporter: Qin Jianwen

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