China release 丨 Deputy Secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Guo Yonghang: The cooperation between Nansha and Hong Kong and Macao is far greater than competition

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.06.24

China Net, June 24 (Reporter Peng Yao) Recently, the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Comprehensive Cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). At a press conference held on June 24th, the deputy secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Guo Yonghang introduced that the "Plan" promulgated that the development of Nansha has become the "big of the country". The "big of the country" is also the "responsible person". In the country's promotion of high -level technology self -reliance and building a new development pattern, Nansha should not be absent.

On June 24, the National New Office held a press conference on the relevant situation of the "Overall Plan for the Deepening of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Comprehensive Cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao," in the New National Office. China Net Pang Rui Photo

Guo Yonghang said that in recent years, under the leadership of the "Outline of the Development Planning of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area", regardless of Guangzhou or Nansha, Hong Kong and Macau have already "have me, I have you", showing each other. Promoting a good situation. For example, in terms of science and technology infrastructure, the professor of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology passed the "Tianhe No. 2" of the Guangzhou Supercomputing Nansha Branch to study the aerodynamics of the cycling process, helping Hong Kong athlete Li Huishi to win a valuable medal for the Tokyo Olympics venue. According to statistics, more than 200 teachers have used the Guangzhou Supercomputing Center in the past five years, and they are as convenient as using the LAN. Another example is that in the implementation of major science and technology projects, the Guangdong Provincial Laboratory (Guangzhou), which settled in Nansha, set up a branch in Hong Kong. In 2019 Yuan cross -border scientific research funding. In addition, in the past two years, the anti -epidemic research cooperation has been promoted by a heavy hammer.

Guo Yonghang said that the "Plan" emphasizes "collaborative Hong Kong and Macao", and pointed out the way of the development and construction of Nansha for us; "facing the world" is the common target orientation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. In fact, what Nansha's needs and directions are exactly the ability and director of Hong Kong and Macao. For example, in terms of promoting the transfer of international scientific and technological achievements, Hong Kong's "super contacts" and Macau's advantages of connecting the bridge of Portuguese -speaking countries are incomparable, and Nansha has outstanding advantages in industrialization. Essence

Guo Yonghang said that in accordance with the top -level design of the central government, it will adhere to complementary advantages and misalignment, strengthen the joint innovation of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao science and technology, and accelerate the observation and simulation of large scientific devices of the cold spring ecosystem, southern marine science and engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), and the Pearl Pearl of the Chinese Academy of Sciences The construction of major projects such as the science and technology achievement of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in the Mainland Transfer and Transformation Headquarters, and supports Nansha actively undertake the transfer and transformation of innovation results in the fields of electronic engineering, computer science, marine science, artificial intelligence, and smart cities. To make bigger and big, everyone is more "cake".

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