"zero tolerance"!Guangzhou traffic police accurately crack down on "buying and selling points" illegal acts

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.06.24

The driver's license is not in vain, can you sell some money? Corruption such a small profit will face severe punishment of law!

The reporter learned from the Guangzhou Public Security Traffic Police Department on June 24 that since the implementation of the "Administrative Measures for Road Traffic Safety Illegal Acts" in April this year, Guangzhou Traffic Police relied on scientific and technological means to severely crack down on "buying and selling" illegal acts throughout the city. So far A total of more than 10 illegal acts were investigated and punished.

Case 1: Buy a divorce buckle? Early warning of illegal application system

On May 20, when the staff of the Guangzhou Traffic Police Ring City Brigade reviewed the "Cloud Office" traffic violation processing business in the background, the system issued a warning prompt suspected of "buying and selling points". After receiving the alarm, the staff immediately conducted data comparison through the system and started to collect relevant evidence. On June 1st, the legal representative of the Guangdong S1 ** Q1 light vans of the Guangdong S1 ** Q1 light -type truck of Guangzhou S1 ** Q1, which was suspected of "buying points", came to the investigation.

In the face of strong evidence and data, Nie confessed to the illegal facts that invited others to deduct points. In the end, the Guangzhou Traffic Police Ring City Brigade imposed a fine of 600 yuan for Nie.

According to Nie's confession, the vehicle involved in Guangdong S1 ** Q1 light vans has two traffic violations to be dealt with. Because the car's original driver's driver's license has no deduction. After a friend introduced and met a person who could handle traffic violations, he handed over the driving license of the car to him for the province.

Case 2: Selling points for profit? A man was regretful or not

At 12 o'clock on June 9, the staff of the Guangzhou traffic police Bai Yunyi brigade in the process of handling the non -on -site illegal business for Huang and asked Huang's relationship with the owner.

After inspection of relevant information, the police found that Huang had a major suspicion of "trading and sales". The police at the scene controlled it and asked. At the beginning, Huang insisted that the illegal act was implemented, and he simply kept silent after the relevant information was not right. In the face of evidence, after the police handling the case patiently explained the interest relationship, Huang confessed to the fact that he "sold points" to handle traffic violations.

According to Huang's confession, he saw a "receipt" advertisement on the side of the road a few days ago. After adding the WeChat above, he received this "business", with a deduction of 1:50. Because he was relatively tight recently, he was thinking about making some money, and he was fascinated by a moment. Nowadays, not only did he not make money, but he was fined hundreds of dollars. The driver's license was remembered by 12 points. Huang regretted it.

Guangzhou: Relying on scientific and technological means to precisely crack down on "buying and selling points"

According to reports, the scoring system is an important means to improve the traffic safety awareness of drivers of motor vehicles and reduce road traffic accidents. Really, it seriously affects normal road traffic management order.

In response to illegal acts of "buying and selling points", Guangzhou Traffic Police will maintain a "zero tolerance" situation, relying on scientific and technological methods such as smart transportation systems and big data platforms, to conduct data integration and analysis of vehicles and drivers who handle traffic violations within Guangzhou. , And put suspected vehicles and personnel on the key attention list, and accurately attacked the illegal clues. When the system accepts the illegal processing business, if the relevant information is found to be suspected of "buying and selling points", the system will be warned directly, and the police will immediately check and investigate and deal with it.

Guangzhou Traffic Police reminds that the illegal behavior of "buying and selling points" seriously affects the normal order of road traffic safety violations. The traffic police department will increase its blows in daily work, discover one, and deal with one. The majority of drivers are requested to consciously abide by laws and regulations, drive safely and civilized, and consciously eliminate illegal acts of "buying and selling points", and create a civilized and orderly road traffic environment.

【Know Duo D】

What should I do if a cycle is not buckled enough?

Cumulative scores within a scoring cycle of less than 12 points, do not distinguish the type of driving license driving, or whether it is an operating vehicle driver, you can apply for "study and reduce points" through the traffic management 12123 mobile phone app, take the study and pass the examination and pass the exam qualified Later, one point is reduced in the existing cumulative score points (no fine and exemption involved), and a maximum of 6 points (including 6 points) can be reduced within a scoring cycle.

In the last three scoring cycles, the driver of motor vehicle was punished for "buying and selling points", and he could not apply for the law to reduce points.

◉ Attention! The driver's license buying points will be severely punished

According to the "Administrative Measures for Road Traffic Safety illegal Acts" (Order 163 of the Ministry of Public Security): Article 30:

1. If the driver of a motor vehicle invites others to accept the punishment and scores of traffic violations, and pays the economic benefits, the economic interests shall be paid below three times the fines of the economic interests of the traffic management department of the public security organs, but the maximum does not exceed 50,000 yuan; Traffic violations are punished.

2. If the actual motor vehicle driver accepts the punishment of traffic violations and scores, the economic benefits shall be obtained by the traffic management department of the public security organs of less than three times the fine, but the maximum does not exceed 50,000 yuan. At the same time, the original administrative penalty decision is revoked according to law. Essence

3. Organizing others to implement one of the first two behaviors to obtain economic benefits shall be fined less than five times the illegal income of the traffic management department of the public security organs, but the maximum does not exceed 100,000 yuan; In accordance with the law, punishment for public security management.

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