Deploy safety supervision and guarantee measures to take multiple measures in the Naxi District of Luzhou, Sichuan, and cope with the transit of the flood peak

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.24

Long Jing, Tan Fei Tao Wendus Cover Journalist Wu Yong

Due to the double influence of continuous rainfall and increased traffic under the home dam, the Naxi section of Luzhou, Yangtze River ushered in the current largest Hongfeng transit in 2022. At 14:00 on June 24 Meter. In order to actively respond to the security transit of the Hongfeng, Luzhou Naxi Sea Department actively carried out the analysis and judgment of flood prevention, deploying the responsive measures and security measures to respond to the transit of Hongfeng, and ensured that the water safety situation in the area under the transit of the Hongfeng peak was stable.

"Hello Captain, we are a law enforcement officer of the Naxi Sea Department. Today, we convey to you the flood control security information and flood prevention safety measures of 624 Hongfeng. Please implement it to ensure the safety of the ship. If you have any problems, please Our Maritime Office contacted ... "On June 23, Song Qiang, deputy director of Luzhou Naxi Sea Department, communicated with the captain in the area one by one.

Law enforcement officers at the Luzhou Naxi Sea Department went to the docks and anchors in the jurisdiction to carry out flood control safety inspections on the parked ships, reported the water level to the ship, checked the ship duty on duty, inspected the ship system on the spot, and implemented temporary water traffic control on the area under the jurisdiction. Breath, actively respond to water emergencies. At the same time, law enforcement officers also boarded the ship to carry out safety publicity during the flood season, reminding water -related units and ships to implement flood prevention measures, conducting major investigations in hidden dangers in the flood season, and clearing the family, clear situation, and timely removal of hidden dangers and vulnerabilities.

It is understood that this round of the flood peaks are fierce, the flow rate reaches 5 meters per second, and the water level rises quickly, and there are many floating objects. In order to ensure the safety of ships and Linjiang people during the transit of Hongfeng, the local maritime department, channel, and community in the Naxi District of Naxi District took a multi -measure to strengthen the emergency duty duty and safety early warning information. Luzhou Naxi Maritime Law Enforcement Officer also uses the electronic cruise system to implement remote monitoring on key waters such as the docks and bridges in the jurisdiction, as well as key ships such as carrier -carried dangerous goods, anchor ships, and other key ships. A ban on navigation of container ships, dangerous ships and ships below 600 tons to ensure the safety of the ship safety.

"We strictly implement the 24 -hour emergency duty system, strengthen the deployment of emergency forces, and deploy two professional ambulance ships to stand at any time to ensure that once the danger occurs, we can deal with it in a timely and effective manner. Contact, collect, pass, and release hydrological information in time, and make safety warnings that are severely weather through SMS platforms, VHF (very high -frequency wireless telephone), and remind related water -related units, ships and crew members to implement various flood control measures. " Song Qiang, deputy director of the Xihai Safety Office, said.

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