Environmental News Speed Excelle 丨 The Ministry of Ecological Environment Answers Bauhinia Magazine: Three major key seas comprehensive governance tackling leading the improvement of the ecological environment of the nation's near -shore waters

Author:Ecological environment Time:2022.06.24

On June 23, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a June routine press conference. According to Zhang Zhifeng, deputy director of the Department of Marine Ecological Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in 2021, my country's marine ecological environment is generally stable and better, especially the comprehensive governance of the three major key seas is leading and driving the improvement of ecological environment in the near -shore waters. Steering quality changes.

Press conference site of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Zhang Zhifeng pointed out that since last year, the Department of Ecological and Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, deepened the top -level design of the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" marine ecological environmental protection work, and issued a series of policy documents and planning plans with relevant departments. Gradually clarified the "task letters", "timetable" and "roadmap" of marine ecological environmental protection. At present, the key tasks of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" marine ecological environmental protection have started smoothly.

Through the joint efforts of all parties, in 2021, my country's marine ecological environment is generally stable and better: First, the overall seawater quality continues to improve, and the area area of ​​the first type of sea water quality standard accounts for 97.7%of the area of ​​jurisdictions, an increase of 0.9 year -on -year One percentage point; the proportion of the area of ​​excellent water quality (first, second) in the near -shore waters is 81.3%, an increase of 3.9 percentage points year -on -year; the second is that the health status of the marine ecosystem is generally improved. The typical marine ecosystems monitoring are in a healthy or sub -health state. The state of "unhealthy" has been basically eliminated; the third is that the environmental quality of the sea region is generally good. While protecting the marine ecological environment, it also provides a strong support and guarantee for the development of the marine economy.

A reporter from Bauhinia magazine asked at the press conference: In February this year, many ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Action Plan for Comprehensive Governance of the Key Sea" to determine the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River Estuary-Hangzhou Bay, and the Pearl River Estuary. How is the sea area determined and what are the difficulties in governance?

Zhang Zhifeng, deputy director of the Department of Marine Ecology and Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

In this regard, Zhang Zhifeng replied that the main task of the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" in -depth battle for the comprehensive governance of key seas was to carry out 10 in 3 major seas, 8 related coastal provinces (cities) and "2+24" coastal cities. The item tackling operations to ensure the continuous improvement of the ecological environment of key sea areas. The reason why the Bohai, Yangtze River mouth -Hangzhou Bay, and Pearl River Estuary are determined to be the key direction of tackling. The main considerations are that all three major seas are in the strategic intersection of the high -quality development of my country's coast. The people's requirements for the beautiful marine ecological environment of these areas are also getting higher and higher. It is urgent to concentrate on the cooperation of all parties to cooperate and fight against each other. Steering quality changes.

Zhang Zhifeng said that the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" must be in -depth battle against the comprehensive governance of the key seas. Three aspects: First, the pollution prevention and control of land and sea needs to be deepened. The focus is on the two key entry into the sea "gates" of the stains and rivers of the sea; the second is that marine ecological protection and restoration still takes a long time. It is necessary to cooperate with the two major ecological restoration tasks of important marine life habitats and typical marine ecosystems; the third is that the long -term mechanism of governance supervision also needs to be established and improved, especially the construction of the ecological environmental governance system of land and sea coordinates. For these key difficulties, the "Action Plan" has made targeted deployment and requirements.

According to Zhang Zhifeng, at present, eight coastal provinces (cities) have prepared provincial -level tackling implementation plans, which not only strictly implements relevant national deployment and requirements, but also has the scope of tackling scope, key task requirements, and work promotion mechanisms in Luhai. On the other hand, it extended and expanded according to the actual situation of various places.

Zhang Zhifeng said that in the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will focus on the following work with relevant departments and coastal places:

The first is to strengthen organizational leadership and supervision and evaluation. Cooperate closely with relevant departments to implement the overall requirements of "central overall planning, provincial general responsibility, city and county grasping implementation", focusing on the "2+24" coastal cities and its management waters, and decompose target tasks step by step, layer by layer Real responsibilities include the implementation of the comprehensive management of key waters into the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" pollution prevention and control battle results assessment. At the same time, in conjunction with relevant departments to strengthen guidance and supervision, establish a regular scheduling and evaluation mechanism, and promote the transformation of a long -term mechanism for marine ecological environmental protection and supervision to promote good experience and good practices.

The second is to strengthen technological assistance and technological support. Organize the technical assistance group of the resident point to the "2+24" coastal cities to assist in coastal cities, and in accordance with the requirements of national and provincial programs, further refine the implementation of "one mouth, one strategy", "one river and one strategy", "one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one, one bay, one Policies "specific action measures and engineering projects. At the same time, the team of experts organized the cooperation of key technical issues of the combined key technical issues of tackling battles, prepared special technical points, and provided timely and effective technological support and service guarantee for coastal places.

The third is to strengthen information disclosure and public participation.It is necessary to strengthen the vigorous publicity of the progress and results, experience and models of the coastal local tackling stage, and further strengthen the "opening and questioning", listen to the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society, and the voice of the people of the coastal areas.Tackling measures, with the continuous improvement of the ecological environment of key sea areas, coordinated the promotion of high -quality economic development in coastal areas, and the well -being of people's livelihood to reach a new level.Source 丨 Bauhinia.com reporter 丨 Feng Lin

Edit 丨 Zhang Wei

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