Suining Tongnan Tongliang's "Red venue Alliance" theme tour exhibition lecture activity was launched in Da Ying

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.25

Cover reporter Liu Hu intern Du Xiaoyu

On the afternoon of June 23, the theme tour lecture (Suining Station) of the "Red Stadium Alliance" of Ningnan Tongliang, Suining, was officially launched at Xiangshan Academy, Daying County. At the event, the Red Cultural Party History Education Base in Xiangshan Academy in Da Ying County was awarded the title of "Suining CPC History Education Base".

Suining, Tongnan, and Tongliang have a deep accumulation of history and a strong red heritage. The "Red Stadium Alliance" of Tong Tong helps to promote the protection and inheritance of red culture in the three places.

In the Xiangshan Academy, a student volunteer from the first grade of Xiangshan Middle School introduced the red history of Daying County generously: "In the fall of 1934, Guo Haitao went to Qianjiaxiang -the current peak office of Penglai Town, Daying County, he More than a hundred progressive people were organized, and the peasant movements of anti -salt tax, anti -high rental, and usury loans were carried out ... "

"The red culture represented by Xiangshan Academy has become our valuable historical mark, eternal spiritual wealth, and inexhaustible source of power." Hu Mingchao, secretary of the Daying County Party Committee, said that the Red Cultural Party History Education Base of Xiangshan Academy is the capital 11 million yuan carefully created, with the red memory of the passionate burning era, education leads the county's party members and cadres and the masses, and realizes the organic interaction of the red base and the youth education, the organic extension of red stories and party spirit, the organic collision of red culture and the rural civilization.

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