Women's newspaper comments 〡 The jurisprudence of establishing an abortion right has been overthrown, and the human rights of American women are retreating.

Author:Chinese Women's Network Time:2022.06.25

On June 24, local time, the US Federal Supreme Court officially made a judgment, overthrowing the "Roy Verior Case", which has a milestone on the abortion right of the United States, which means that the constitution of the abortion right for women has ended in the past 50 years. Protect.

The Supreme Court of the United States cancels the abortion rights stipulated in the Constitution. This judgment is the retrogression of the protection of women's rights and interests, which has caused a stir in the world.

The US Federal Supreme Court overthrowing a jurisprudence of abortion right at the federal level at the federal level on the 24th, "Luo Jie We De Case", which means that women's abortion rights will no longer be protected by the US constitution. Supporting rights supporters held protests in many cities in the United States. The picture shows an aborted supporter protesting in Ronak, Virginia, USA. Xinhua News Agency/United

The plaintiff of the "Luo Jeremony Case" in 1973 was unmarried at the time, but he could not leave a legal abortion in Texas. Because of the state law, unless it is to save pregnant women's lives, abortion is an illegal act. The case appealed to the Supreme Court and confirmed the freedom of protecting women's abortion in the United States. However, after nearly half a century, everything returned to the origin.

After the "Roy Case" was overthrown, the state in the United States could formulate laws on abortion by themselves. According to US media reports, at least 26 states have or are promoting relevant laws, which means that hundreds of millions of women in the United States may lose legal abortion rights.

Once the abortion is prohibited, many women no longer have the right to decide their bodies. If pregnant women are in danger, they cannot decide their own abortion by themselves. Reproductive rights are an important part of women's rights, a principle of human rights safeguarded by international agreements, and reflected in the law to varying degrees in many parts of the world. Restrictions on abortion will not prevent people from pursuing abortion, and will only make abortion more dangerous.

For a long time, the United States has regarded its representatives of human rights and the incarnation of justice, constantly accusing other countries of infringement of human rights, and seeing itself as a "world human rights judge." However, the United States never carefully reviews its human rights issues. This time, the US Supreme Court canceled the abortion rights stipulated by the Constitution, and once again exposed the hypocrisy of "shouting human rights and trample on human rights in the mouth."

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