How can a short video not stop when you brush it?Parents want to help their children like this

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.25

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As soon as the text appears, is there a melody of short videos in your mind? Is it no wonder that the child holds a short video of his mobile phone? In the middle, the parent -child conflict is "avoided", and the "family war" is about to be touched ... What is the teenagers of "Lexitudon"? Let's explore from the perspective of psychology.

Short video

Why can't you stop when you brush it?

● Instant pleasure makes the brain taste sweet

The instant pleasure of short videos is left by rewarding the brain through rewarding the brain! Psychological studies have found that people unknowingly waste time watching loved videos, in fact, the reward system of the brain has played a role. Many people may have experienced it. For a while, they can't help but open various short video clients to brush, and once they are brushed, they can't stop or stop! This is the same, let alone teenagers.

In addition, the scanning results of the brain show that in the first few seconds of the video, the neurological activity of the happy center in the brain was enhanced, and neural activities related to risk decision -making have weakened, so as to make people more frequent and long -lasting look at it. Short videos are really "a few seconds in the cloud short video, and the world has passed a few hours."

● Long -term stimulation makes the brain change the taste

In order to grasp the user's attention in the first few seconds, short videos usually switch with a lens every two or three seconds. If the youth's brain is stimulated by this high frequency for a long time, it is easy to treat it as normal stimulation, and then continue to look forward to ...

Over time, in the face of the low frequency stimulus in real life, it will lose interest, and even feel bored with entertainment activities such as tourism, let alone study and think independently. Therefore, concentration has become the scarce "quality" of some teenagers, and personal time tends to fragmented.

● The vicious cycle under real pressure

The life of adolescents is unlimited, but it is also facing various uncertainty, coupled with greater academic and competitive pressure, which is easy to superimposed a series of negative emotions. Due to short, interesting, and easy to get in, short video has naturally become a tool for teenagers to escape real pressure and get temporary relaxation.

However, when teenagers wander from the clouds of short videos, they often feel greater pressure when they return to reality, and even have emptiness and sense of meaninglessness. Until picking up their mobile phones and hiding in short videos, emptiness, boring and irritability temporarily temporarily temporarily. The ground stopped abruptly.

In this way, even if some teenagers brush the short videos to vomit, it is difficult to put down the short videos in the mobile phone, and to turn on the vicious circle again and again ...

Lost low -level happiness

Care of young people

Help young people know what to do, increasing the positive emotional experience of reality, improving the psychological immunity of short -brushing videos, and a full sense of continuity for time experience.

1. Stable parents' emotions and healthy and relaxed family atmosphere. This can help young people face their emotions and pressure more effectively, give young people a psychological sense of stability, to buffer and face the storm rain in adolescence, thereby reducing their dependence on instant pleasure.

2. Persist in mindfulness meditation exercises. Short videos are high -frequency stimuli, and the meditation of righteousness is just the opposite -put attention to one shout, and experience the inner tranquility and depth of joy in the situation of rarely stimulation or even no stimulation situation. At first, even if you persist for 1 minute, gradually increase, and you will definitely gain a lot of time. How to practice? You can click "Try Mindfulness Breathing Training".

3. Discuss relevant popular science knowledge with children and establish correct cognition. Parents can sincerely discuss the brain scientific knowledge as described as mentioned earlier, help children understand the logic behind the short video push, and stand at a higher dimension to look at short videos. At the same time, guide children to use short video push features to actively expand interested areas and be their own masters.

Reduce adolescents to get the opportunity to get instant pleasure by brushing short videos, which can reduce the opportunity of children to fragmented time.

1. Limit entertainment with alarm clock. Parents should determine the duration of short videos with their children in advance, and at the same time, the alarm clock reminds the response plan after the failure. Once agreed, it is relatively strictly implemented.

2. Parents should be able to keep the bottom line. Many times, children in teenagers seem to be losing their temper, but deep in their hearts may expect their parents to adhere to principles. Just like sitting on the roller coaster, you keep pushing the legs that protect your legs. Do you want to push it away? Or do you have to test whether it is stable enough? To some extent, parents are actually "leg pressing" of teenagers.

3. Find substitution satisfaction. Parents should communicate with their children in advance. When children want to brush short videos because of their boredom, they can do what interests, such as reading an interesting book, outdoor activities, doing food, etc., to cultivate children's interest.

4. Create an electronic -free space or time. For example, the electronic products do not put the bedroom when sleeping, especially the places where the bedside is reached. Or the family does not use electronic products during a period of time.

The short video is ultimately something outside of the body.Parents should help young people, work hard to experience the ocean and external world of knowledge, find their true interests and values, and grow up happily!(Source: Healthy China CCTV News Client Author: Renmin University of China Hou Ruihe, Mental Health Education and Consultation Center)

【Edit: Fu Sakura】

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