Zhejiang Haining Zhouwang Temple: Achievement of solid results to promote long -term effects -Xinghuo Village launched the second quarter of garbage classification evaluation and inspection operations

Author:Qianjiang Video Time:2022.06.25

In order to continuously consolidate the results of the waste classification of Xinghuo Village and continue to strengthen the long -term management of garbage classification, on the afternoon of June 22, Xinghuo Village organized party volunteers to carry out the evaluation and supervision operation of farmers' waste in the second quarter of this year.

Volunteers took the heat to conduct garbage classification evaluations of all farmers, and found that some farmers had sporadic garbage and incorrect waste classifications in front of the house.In response to the problems discovered by volunteers, the village staff immediately communicated with the farmers to communicate with the farmers. For those who throw garbage and not put them in accordance with standards, they urged farmers to rectify in a timely manner and patiently guide farmers with incorrect garbage classification.After on -site inspections, verification and records, it has continuously consolidated and improved the long -term mechanism of garbage classification.

Next, Xinghuo Village will concentrate the combination of village cleanup and rectification with normalized garbage classification, accelerate the improvement of farmers' awareness and accuracy, and make up for the shortcomings of classification, further promote the actions of village beautification and garbage reduction, so that the countrysideReally clean, green, bright, beautiful!

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