Social Comment: G7 Summit should read the "Beijing Declaration" carefully

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.25

The fourteenth meeting of the BRICS leaders was held from June 23 to 24. The meeting passed and published the "Fourteenth Meeting of the BRICS Leaders", reiterating the commitment to multilateralism, emphasizing that it should make it dependent Global governance is more tolerant, representative, and involved, maintaining the core role of international law and the United Nations in the international system, and the declaration also urges major developed countries to adopt responsible economic policies, manage and control policy spillover effects, and avoid causing developing countries to develop countries. Serious impact. When the development of the world has entered a new period of turmoil, the publication of the "Beijing Declaration" is of special significance.

Unexpectedly, the BRICS Summit, which is a rotating chairman of China, was successfully held, which caused some strange interpretation of yin and yang in the United States and Western public opinion fields. It is worth noting that this time they put their main energy on the provocation and differentiation of the BRICS countries, especially to do a lot of work on India. It is likely that the Russian and Ukraine conflict overlay the new crown pneumonia. The opportunity to create a gap between the country is here. However, the BRICS countries did not go to the direction of the fake street signs they set up, and they could not be misleaded or differentiated.

The "Beijing Declaration" on behalf of the BRICS consensus is the clearest proof. The declaration of 89 times mention "development" and 105 times "cooperation". As President Xi Jinping's important speech pointed out, "the BRICS countries are not closed clubs, nor are they exceptional 'small circles', but are the big families who have watched and helpful." The information transmitted by the BRICS Summit is worthy of careful reading of the international community, especially the United States and Western countries. Essence This is also the process of strengthening communication with the non -Western world rather than opposing.

It is not coincidental that at the same time at the same time at the BRICS Summit, Western countries have also begun to hold three important summits, namely the EU summit, G7 summit and NATO summit. The last two summits participating in and dominated by the United States form a clear comparison with the BRICS Summit. We can see two very different global governance claims. The west side of the United States, the high walls of the small courtyard, and the level of the small courtyard; and the emerging market countries and developing countries actively advocate the practice of real multilateralism, openness, tolerance, and win -win cooperation. Old concepts and new ideas are in tug of war. The future destiny of human beings depends to a large extent on the result of this historic tug of war.

Adhering to the "open -tolerant and cooperative and win -win" spirit of the BRICS mechanism is true multilateralism. Five BRICS countries are from all over the world. The "BRICS+" cooperation also includes the organizer of this year's APEC Summit and the host of the G20 summit. It can be said that the BRICS mechanism covers the widespread view of international affairs in different regions and different stages of development. It is worth mentioning that the BRICS countries have set up relevant consultation mechanisms on the Middle East issue. The "Beijing Declaration" issued this time also proposes a constructive solution on issues such as Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and other issues. Wide recognition.

Today, the United States also claims that it is "multilateralism", but in those mechanisms that are dominated by it, although there are many parties on the surface, it is essential In the formulation of mechanism rules, the rules of the United States are the highest rules in small circles. According to the US media, the G7 summit and NATO summit will condense "unprecedented unity" on "major challenges" and maintain "American -centric Western democratic camps". These languages ​​make people seem to return to the Cold War.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some US Western public opinion believes that the BRICS mechanism wants to create a "anti -American league". This is not only a deliberate story trap, but also to carefully create "imaginary enemies". In order to maintain the absolute obedience in the circle, the United States must continue to find and create foreign enemies. However, as the deviation of common interests around the world has become larger, the ability of small circles to dominate international issues will inevitably decline, and other countries in the world will also look at these dangerous small circles with anxiety.

Indeed, the world has reached a crossroads. Peace or war? Development or decline? Open or closed? Cooperation or confrontation? These eras of questions are deeply provinced. For the turbulent and challenging world, the BRICS Summit is a surprise; we hope that the G7 summit and the NATO summit that we will be about to be opened will not be frightened to the world. We also have a suggestion. The G7 summit may wish to read the "Beijing Declaration" carefully, I believe there will be gains.

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