Chantai County Group Bucky Town: Open a new position of "Family Party School" at the grassroots level

Author:Yuntai County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.06.25

In the 100 -drawn courtyard, the national flag, party flag, a stack of red books, a long table, and a family party school brand. The first "Family Party School" in Nojoka Village, Kurban Kesmu is the leader of the first party group of Norgoka Village. A member of the party has a strong party spirit, enthusiastic, and willing to dedicate.

In order to further enhance the political and service functions of the grass -roots party organizations, the party branch of Nuojoka Village, Buckka Town, Group of the County, will continue to innovate a new model of education and set up a "family party school" in party members' homes. , Extend the education position of party members to the house of party members, let party members study and educate "grounding", be "popular", constantly activate the "nerve endings" of grass -roots tissues, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and provide strong implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization strategies in an all -round way. Political guarantee.

"Family Party School" has expanded the bidding, gathered the people's heart

Through soliciting opinions, the "family party school" closely focuses on the hotspots and difficult problems of the villagers and the masses, so that party members and villagers can speak freely, and in a relaxed and free environment, we will plan and make suggestions for the construction of the village. Since the establishment of the "Family Party School", the ideological education room, policy propaganda point, information exchange park, cultural pension popularization station, contradiction resolution department, residents and mass communication bridges, red movie screening points, knowledge learning corners, eclectic forms, eclectic forms The colorful content has attracted the active participation of the villagers, and the "family party school" has become a new position for the people's hearts.

"Family Party School" at home, grounding

The "Family Party School" office is in the villagers' group, and the party class is set up in the party members, so that party members can take the party lesson for 3 minutes. With the increase of age, the older peasant party members have gradually showed problems such as concentrated learning difficulties and participating in organizational life due to various aspects. In order to ensure that the study and education of old party members does not "fall behind" and the quality of learning does not decrease, the village party branch uses "family party schools" as the base for party members' education and activities. According to the specific situation of party members, party members are organized in accordance with the principle of similar residence. The way of the branch and party members selected party members with high consciousness, high prestige, and enthusiastic party members as "principal". At the same time, they sent party affairs to work as "instructors" of party building to guide the study and education and practice activities of "family party schools". Party members can easily take party lessons without going out of the village group.

"Family Party School" demonstration class, "Run Party's Heart"

The village party branch closely focused on the characteristics and actual needs of the jurisdiction, relying on the red theme education base to create a "real -life party lesson", give full play to the role of "small party school classroom", innovate the form of learning and education, and turn abstract theory into specific practice. The policy theory provides effective ways to strengthen party members' management education through the "small party school", providing effective ways to strengthen party member management education, and add vitality to the cause of rural revitalization.

"Old Party Member" shows the remaining heat and shows the shoulder

While organizing party members' learning and education, "Family Party School" encouraged old party members to actively participate in activities such as policy preaching, legal aid, conflict and dispute mediation, volunteer service and other activities, play a role model for party members, and work together to create a harmonious countryside. As of now, the "Family Party School" has put forward 5 rationalized suggestions for rural construction, 3 hot and difficult issues that are concerned about the attention of residents and the masses, and help residents to mediate 5 contradictions and disputes.

The development of the "family party school" has extended the tentacles of party members 'education management and established a new position for party members' education. In the next step, the village of Nobohaka Village, Buck, gives full play to the advantages of the "family party school" nearby, convenient, flexible, and continued to promote it in the home of the party members and party group leaders in the jurisdiction. In the life of the party organization, the party members of the "going out" will feel the "temperature" of grass -roots party organizations after get off work. (Wang Yan)

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