Henan Taikang: "Smart 5G" transformed into grassroots governance "scouts"

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.06.25

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Zhang Hongtao correspondent Li Hao

"Ding Ding Ding ... There are people in the water in the water in front!" "Whose child are you, leave there quickly, don't play water." On the morning of June 18, 2022, in Maozhuang Town, Taikang County, Zhoukou City, 2022 Xuzhuang Nature Village, Xu Lou, Wei Guangfeng, the ninth grid member Wei Guangfeng, immediately processed the alarm information received by the 5G video surveillance software on his mobile phone.

Photo by Li Hao, 5G video surveillance platform

At present, it is midsummer, and the temperature is high. In addition, the summer of primary and elementary school students will come. Holiday students have increased in water in pits, rivers, reservoirs and other waters. To prevent students from drowning and protecting the growth of "seedlings".

While Maozhuang Town gives full play to the advantages of the gap management and the "close" publicity of the Grid members, innovative work ideas, focusing on the current status of anti -drowning work, empowering grass -roots social governance with 5G technology, combined mobile and Unicom operators. , Install 723 5G surveillance cameras in the transportation roads, main rivers, and deep -water pit ponds in 24 administrative villages in the town. "Scout" breaks the data barriers in the grass -roots governance system, solidly build the "Internet+" grass -roots governance intelligent application system, and effectively improve the level of intelligence, refinement, and preciseness of grass -roots governance.

"Since we installed the 5G video surveillance system, we have played a great use in preventing drowning, preventing stealing, and straw ban. It can not only help work, but also protect the safety of the lives and property of the people in the jurisdiction to a certain extent. Evil. "Xu Yifeng, secretary of the Party Branch of the Administrative Village of Xuzhuang Town, said.

"In the next step, we will establish new ideas, introduce new technologies, create new platforms, create a new environment, and give full play to the" scout "role of wisdom 5G in the field of grassroots governance to ensure that the hidden dangers of various problems will be discovered as soon as possible, and the first time will be as soon as possible. Disposal and resolve the first time, continue to improve the happiness, gain, and satisfaction of the people in the jurisdiction. "Tian Zhen, the person in charge of Maozhuang Town, Taikang County.

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