Fire training into the grain depot fire prevention knowledge "stock"

Author:Tongliao Fire Time:2022.06.25

In order to carry out the work of "Safety Production Month" and comprehensively improve the fire prevention and control capabilities of the food reserve library, recently, the Fire Rescue Brigade of the Corqin District has penetrated the central reserves of the Liaodong Suburban Library Co., Ltd. to carry out fire safety training.

During the training, the propaganda staff of the brigade adopted a simple and easy -to -understand teaching method. Combined with the cases, the employees explained the important causes of the fire, how to save the initial fire, the self -rescue and evacuation of the fire escape, the laws and regulations, and how to report the fire. And interact with the employees to ask questions about fire safety problems in the daily life of employees. Everyone, you say a word, and the atmosphere at the scene is very enthusiastic. During the period, in order to further consolidate the training effect, fire rescue workers also organized employees to carry out emergency evacuation drills and early fire practical exercises.

Through this training, the fire safety awareness of the granary staff has been further enhanced, and the emergency response capacity of its fire safety has been improved. The security situation is stable.

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