Celebrate the World Sea Daily Wuhan Port District Maritime Division to send services to the ship

Author:Nine Pai News Time:2022.06.25

【Source: China Water Transport Network】

On June 25th, in order to warmly celebrate the twelfth "World Sea Day", the Maritime Office of Wuhan Port District carried out a series of service operations for the crew, and gave them holiday greetings to get the unanimous praise from the crew.

On the same day, in order to create a festive atmosphere, law enforcement officers hung sea patrol boats on the flag, and sailed to carry out the "World Sea Division Day" publicity service activities on the jurisdiction. When cruising in the jurisdiction, law enforcement officers broadcast the "World Sea Division Day" related publicity information to the ship under the jurisdiction through a very high -frequency telephone, and wish a happy festival for the majority of crew members. During the boarding of the ship, the law enforcement officers "sent knowledge to the head of the boat" for the crew members. It carried out the service of the crew's mobile classroom service, and explained the relevant policies related to their vital interests, the legitimate rights and interests of the crew, and the related measures of the convenience of the crew service.

Regarding the problems encountered by the crew, the law enforcement officers have carefully answered. Some crew members will not use the new system to report to Hong Kong, and law enforcement officers teach them. At the same time, law enforcement officers also held discussions with the crew friends, understood their sailing stories, listened to their inner heart, and thanked the crew friends to play a significant role in the shipping career. Finally, law enforcement officers remind the ship that the weather has changed drastically recently. During the driving process, we must pay close attention to the weather changes, do a good job of duty, and effectively ensure the safety of ship navigation and operation.

The crew members have expressed their thanks to law enforcement officers in the Hong Kong Area for their patient answers, listening and intimate services. Some crew members even came to law enforcement officers such as "Maritime Guardians and Ceremony" and other calligraphy works.

In the next step, the Maritime Office of Wuhan Port District will continue to adhere to the development of the crew, protect the rights and interests of the crew, safeguard the legitimate interests of the crew, and give the crew to a real sense of happiness, gain, and security.

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