Yinchuan City's latest job appointment and removal notice

Author:Ningxia Satellite TV Time:2022.06.10


The website of the People's Government of Yinchuan City

A notice of appointment and removal

Notice of the appointment and removal of the people's government of Yinchuan City on the appointment and removal of Comrade Zhu Yu

Yinzheng Qianfa [2022] No. 9 [123 ] The people's governments of all counties (cities) districts, municipal government departments, and direct institutions:

Study through the party group meeting of the People's Government of Yinchuan City on June 2, 2022, decided:

Zhu Yu appoints Deputy Director of the Finance Bureau of Yinchuan City (Hanging);

Ma Chao as Deputy Director of Yinchuan City Emergency Administration;

Shen Qinghe as Deputy Director of the Financial Work Bureau of Yinchuan City;

Lei Qiang He is the vice chairman of the Council of the Disabled Persons' Federation of Yinchuan City;

Yuan Lichao is the director of Yinchuan City Land Reserve Center;

Wang Minmin is the Deputy Director of the Management Management Command Center of the Smart City Operation Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Command Center; [123 ]

Director of Tian Guangjun Ren Ren Ningxia Hanas Gas Group Co., Ltd.;

Removes the position of deputy director of the Cyman Guinchuan City Transportation Bureau;

The position of vice chairman of the council;

avoids the position of deputy director of Zhou Shenghui Yinchuan City Public Resources Trading Center;

Directors of Peng Anmin Ningxia Hanas Gas Group Co., Ltd.

Among the above personnel, Comrade Zhu Yu's duty period until May 2023, and the post was naturally exempted after the post -employment period. Ma Chao, Shen Qinghe, and Comrade Wang Minmin have been in the trial period for one year, and the probation period is calculated from the date of decision appointment.

The People's Government of Yinchuan City

June 7, 2022

Source: Yinchuan People's Government website

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