[Struggler Zheng Youth · Confusion · Promotion of Rooting] It is a township cadre, and the driver is also a firefighter

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.06.26

[Struggler is youth, solving confusion, promoting rooting]

■ Telling

Central University of Finance and Economics, a member of the 2020 graduate of the Hunan Province, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of the Town, Nanxian, Hunan Province

"It's on fire, it's getting angry!" In the middle of the night in November 2020, I slept positively and was suddenly awakened by the rapid phone ringtone.

When I heard the panic sound of the phone, I was busy climbing out of the bed, quickly replaced with fire clothes, wearing a helmet, sounding the siren, and driving a fire truck to the fire with the comrades of the fire brigade.

This is the first time I came to Fangjiao Town, Yiyangnan County, Hunan, and participated in the fire fighting task for the first time. Yes, I am a grass -roots cadre and a firefighter in the town.

Our town is about an hour's drive. The county fire brigade will notify the town fire brigade as soon as possible when the fire alarm calls will be processed. After participating in fire training and emergency drills, the young male cadres of the town government naturally joined the town fire brigade.

When I rushed to the scene, the moment I saw the sky, my head was "buzzing", and it was blank. It ’s not afraid that it’ s deceiving, but I ca n’t care about it. From time to time, the sound of the beam collapse came from time to time, and the fire must be extinguished as soon as possible!

The water pipes, water valves, and water guns are proficiently gathered on us. We cooperate with each other and advance from the periphery to the fire source center. Finally, the fire was extinguished, no casualties!

Grass -roots cadres often have both positions. No matter what position, it is to guard the peace of peace, because the national public officials are the guardians of the people.

Some time ago, a case of new crown pneumonia appeared in the county, and everyone was disturbed. After receiving the news, other cadres and I immediately touched the densely connected objects and arranged for transfer to isolation.

Sticking to the day and night for a month, there are almost few down -to -earth breaks: to come home to propagate epidemic prevention policies, check whether the home isolation objects complete the nucleic acid detection, and properly do the management of foreign personnel ... and this is just the first step.

The vaccination point of the vaccine enhanced needle is located in the town, but there are many left -behind elderly people in the village, which is difficult to travel. How to do? "Let's be a 'driver'!" The cadres decided to drive by themselves, and the villagers took the villagers to return home and vaccinated the vaccine.

Nevertheless, some villagers still do not go out of the door, insisting: "I don't go out, there is no need to vaccine!"

We walked the village to the household and combined our own vaccination experience to patiently promote the necessity of vaccination. Finally, the villagers were said one by one. At present, almost all the resident population in the town has completed the vaccination of the vaccine enhanced needle.

Unconsciously, it has been more than a year since my beginning of the grassroots. During this time, it can be described as "not teaching for a day." Since I have not lived in rural areas since I was a child, I did not even know the village -level organizational structure. I still remember that when I came to do the thought of the masses for the first time, I was wearing a mature clothes when I was so angry, and I previewed what I wanted to say thousands of times. Usually, in the office notification, reporting data, and writing materials, two weekends every five weeks. Overall worked overtime at night, stamped more than 3,000 votes in bare hands, and used their computer skills to help town cadres improve their work efficiency ... These are the imprints of struggle.

Fighting at the grassroots level, I gained a sense of satisfaction and happiness. After getting rid of the people in the Town of Fangjiao, I finally said proudly: What a happy thing to keep a peaceful and peacefulness!

(Reporter Yang Yan, and our correspondent Han Ruolei interviewed and sorted out)

■ Dialogue

Wang Kaihuai: From the column of "Struggle Youth No Regrets", I met Wen Zhu, the party committee secretary of the Arctic Town, who adhered to the "northern township of China". Want to ask secretary: What do you rely on to support yourself from the village secretary assistant to grow up step by step into the town party committee secretary? How to quickly enter the role and deal with challenges?

Wen Zhu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Great Town, Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province:

I have been growing at the grassroots level, supporting my strength from the trust of the villagers, and my parents' support and help.

When I first arrived in the village, many peers did not understand. They think this is a shame, and I must not persist. But I have a stubbornness in my bones -you don't think I can do it, I have to do it for you!

I took the villagers to explore the natives of the farmers, the party, and the activities ... The villagers gradually became better, and the villagers also treated my "girlfriend" from the initial cold eyes to the kiss. I have a new support and hope in my heart: bring the village to get better and rich with the villagers!

When my role is transformed into town leaders, the bigger test comes. How to do? Only self -intensive pressure, constantly study and grow. Don't be afraid when you encounter things, strengthen a belief: discover problems and solve problems. This is the help of growth, which can help you enhance your ability and improve yourself.

In August last year, I was the secretary of the town party committee and became the leader of the township, and the pressure was even greater. There is a different sense of pride to protect the northern gate of the motherland, but it is really not easy.

Relying on the Arctic Migrant Party Member Post Station, we condense tourists and party members across the country, so that they can feel how party members and cadres of the "northern towns in China" are guarding the sideways and Xingbianfu. For this reason, we must continue to work hard and run.

I think this is a belief and belief.Only by incorporating this belief and this enthusiasm into the career can the masses struggle with the same passion.This is also my adherence and original intention -to make "the northern part of China" into a well -known brand in the country, so that this town is at the forefront of the country with the most high spiritual appearance!(Reporters Yang Yan and Zhang Shiying interviewed and sorted out)

- END -

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