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Author:Qingyuan Radio and Television Time:2022.06.26

Flood ruthless lovers have love

A difficult one, P Plus support

Recently, the safety and warmth of the affected people and the security of the rescue personnel have always affected the hearts of all sectors of society.

Already 488,000 yuan of disaster relief supplies

Send to the disaster resettlement point to Qingyuan

As of 12:00 on June 23, the Qingyuan Charity Federation received a total of about 488,000 yuan of disaster relief materials and more than 230,000 yuan of disaster relief funds.

According to the relevant person in charge of Qingyuan Charity Federation, since the flood disaster, Guangzhou Unified Enterprise Co., Ltd., Qingyuan Nanxing Chemical Co., Ltd., Qingyuan Xinhengchang Renewable Resources Co., Ltd., Qingyuan Sunshine Love Home Volunteer Service Association, Guangzhou City The Hui Fund Charity Foundation and other caring organizations, enterprises and individuals have reached out to donate and donated money through the Qingyuan Charity Federation. The critical moment of car rental car rental at the caring enterprise responds positively, and uses its own advantages to transport donations to each receiving point for free. The materials of 488,000 yuan include 4360 pieces of instant noodles, 495 boxes of eight treasure porridge, 512 boxes of milk, 2,537 boxes such as ginger tea, Jiaduobao, 2372 boxes of bottled water, 304 boxes of bread and biscuits, 6,000 in Huoxiangzhengqi water, and the seats were in the seat. 100 sets of pillows.

At present, the Chingyuan Charity Federation has sent most of the supplies to the affected areas such as Feilaixia Town, Yuantan Town, Shakou Town, Qiaotou Town, and Daizhou Town, and Longshan Town, Qingcheng District.

The first phase of 5 million

Tencent Foundation will help the disaster rescue of northern Guangdong

In order to help the Qingyuan disaster relief, the Tencent Foundation urgently announced on June 23 that the first period of donation was 5 million yuan to donate the Qingyuan Charity Federation for emergency assistance and post -disaster reconstruction in the affected areas. At the same time, the Tencent Foundation will continue to participate in joint disaster relief in Guangdong, assist relevant departments to carry out flood rescue and transfer and resettlement.

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Fund donation

Receive good information

Household name: Qingyuan Charity Federation

Account opening bank: Bank of China Co., Ltd. Qingyuan Branch

Account number: 6392 5804 4077

(Individuals or teams can donate. Please note when transferring: help Qingyuan anti -flood relief)

Material donation

Guarantee materials: Babao porridge, barrel instant noodles, mineral water

Rescue supplies: charge boat, life jacket

Medical supplies: ordinary trauma treatment drugs

Individuals or teams can donate. In order to ensure that the donations are accurate with the demand for flood conditions, the donor is requested to contact the staff of the Chingyuan Charity Federation in advance to determine the donation matters. For materials that are legal and compliant and meet the requirements of donation, Qingyuan Charity Federation can issue donation notes according to needs.

contact number

Fund donation: 0763-3328036; 18818478854; 13828592288;

Material donation: 0763-3380610; 18825064903; 13802894245;

Ticket consultation: 0763-3898029

Source: Qingyuan Daily, Qingyuan Headline

Editor -in -chief: Qingyuan Radio and Television Railway Media Operation Center

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