A new infected person in Xicheng District takes seal control and control measures to these areas-

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.06.10

On the afternoon of June 9, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 360th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. Chairman Xu Hejian, a director of the municipal government. Relevant persons in charge of Xicheng District, Chaoyang District, Changping District, Huairou District, and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the relevant situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

Standing Committee of the Xicheng District Party Committee, Minister of Publicity Department, spokesman for the district committee, spokesman for the district committee Zhai Deyi's report on the prevention and control of the epidemic in Xicheng District:

On June 9, a new new coronary pneumonia virus infection had been added to Xicheng District, which had been transferred to a designated hospital for treatment.

1. Basic conditions and risk points

Infected person: No. 9 Yinbaqiao Hutong, Xicheng District. Nuclear acid testing on June 3, 5, 6, and 7 was negative, and nucleic acid testing was performed on June 8th. The test results on the 9th report were positive.

Risk point:

June 6th from 22:00 to 2:00 on June 7th (No. 6 West Road West Road).

June 7th 9:46 Jingmen Jubao Iron Pot Stew (Nanfuku Lane, returned to the current address at 22:00); 10: 23 Xingcui Food Store (No. 2 of Beiguan Fang); 10: 41 Mixue Bingcheng (Nanluoguxiang Store).

June 8th at 9:46 Jingmen Jubao Iron Pot Stew (Nanfuku Lane, 23:00 Li Shibu); 16:00 Daoxiang Village (Nanluoguxiang Store); 23: 16-23: 29 Xingcui Food Store (No. 2, Beiguan Fang).

For persons who meet with the above -mentioned activity trajectory sometimes, and the person who receives or receives the prompts of health treasure pop -ups, immediately take the initiative to report to the community (village), work units, and residential hotels. Various prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid detection and health monitoring.

Second, the control measures adopted by Xicheng District

Xicheng District launched the emergency response mechanism as soon as possible, quickly organized the traceability of the flow, determine the risk point, and investigate the risk personnel. According to the results of the latest flow investigation, after a comprehensive assessment, sealing control and control measures were adopted for Yinlianqiao Hutong, Yantai Platinating Street and related areas. Persons' nucleic acid testing of the personnel in the seal control area and the control zone, comprehensively eliminate the external environment involved in the infected people, and implement medical observation measures for various types of risky personnel.

At the same time, do a good job of service work such as sealing control areas, control of living control areas, home medical care, medical transfer, etc., focusing on the needs of special groups, and ensuring the health and daily life of residents.

Press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control work of Beijing New Crown Pneumonia:

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